Clarioskin Project = 4--A) GMP
"The age of the dominion of nation states, four centuries long, is over"
"Their national borders and insular sovereignty no longer accommodate the borderless interdependence of the 21st century world" = Global Mayors Parliament
That is a succinct statement that leaves NO doubt to the ANSWER of the beginning QUESTION.
You have read in (4) GMP what the Aims PLUS the Direction is
BUT how is this proposed Global Parliament going to commence & WHAT are the ramifications of such an entity evolving in Australia ??
You Dare Not - You Cannot - You MUST Not treat this Exposure - this WARNING - with APATHY.
Consider -;
"The Rise of Cities and a Global Parliament of Mayors"
"Building on a foundation of intercity cooperation aimed at addressing the increasing dysfunction of nation-states in dealing with global crises, Benjamin Barber proposes a governance revolution: the founding of a New global legislative body comprising the world’s cities"
"Little wonder, then, given this irresistible rise of cities to political preeminence, that a governance revolution is underway. This revolution is the consequence of two trends:
The First, a devolution revolution in which, as Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne explained last spring, England will “deliver radical devolution to its great cities,” giving them “levers to grow their own local economies.”
The Second trend, grounded in the results of the first, is the manifest capacity of cities to work together across borders in addressing such common global issues as climate change, refugees and crime.
As Mayor Bill di Blasio of New York City has said, “when national governments fail to act on crucial issues like climate, cities have to do so.” Climate and sea rise have been particular concerns of cities, 90 percent of which are built on water: rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. Although the COP 21 meetings in Paris finally achieved a modest general agreement, it appears that real implementation will depend on cities where 80 percent of greenhouse emissions are generated and the political will is present to act"
See = http://www.globalparliamento!The-Rise-of- Cities-and-a-Global- Parliament-of-Mayors/mhqg1/ 575edb470cf2d021c3fba4e8
PLUS This -;
"The Global Parliament of Mayors and the #Abolition of the #Electorate"
"The overall objective of the internationalists is the undermining of the independent, self governing, Westphalian Nation State and its system of governance, replaced by a new order"
"Total control of the levers of power in our cities and regions has been one of the key targets of the internationalists and their collaborators. We provided evidence of this indisputable fact in our in depthCommon Purpose Effect series of articles within which we identified and revealed covert networks undermining democracy within our Core Cites and other Local Governance structures.
In 1974 Richard N. Gardner, writing in Foreign Affairs, a journal published by the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote
the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
Gardner served as Special Advisor to the United Nations at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, as he did in 1972 at the UN Conference on the Human Environment. Gardner is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In recent years there has been a great 'booming, buzzing confusion' around the question of elected mayors in our Cities and Regions"
See = http://www.globalparliamento!The-Global- Parliament-of-Mayors-and-the- Abolition-of-the-Electorate/ mhqg1/575ee0fc0cf26813fb92bc88
Then there is This -;
"Forging a global role for mayors"
Speaking at Global Infrastructure Initiative in late 2015, Atlanta’s mayor, Kasim Reed, suggested that -;
“Cities are going to move faster and lead because the #Federal structure is just #not built to accommodate the rate of change that’s going to be required globally."
"Local leadership can lead to global solutions
Because many significant urban challenges are global, the problems related to crime, pollution, natural-resource shortages, and economic turmoil move fluidly across borders. Consider MIGRATION: the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that nearly 60 million people have been displaced from their homes and about a third are officially categorized as refugees. While national governments struggle to decide whether, whom, and how many people to accept, it is cities that must cope with the day-to-day realities of accommodating those who arrive, often in desperate straits and without legal status.
It is important to recognize that migrants can bring positive contributions. A recent report from Standard & Poor’s Financial Services, for example, found that Turkey’s economy has benefited from the influx of 2.7 million Syrians; the new arrivals, the report said, have provided a “positive shock.” As McKinsey’s Jonathan Woetzel told the Global Infrastructure Initiative and also noted in a recent article, two-thirds of urban economic growth is determined by population flow. Migrants who become integrated into the urban community can provide significant benefits"
"Dozens of global networks of cities have been established to tackle specific issues such as climate change (ICLEI’s C40 Cities), security (European Forum for Urban Security, Mayors for Peace, Strong Cities Network), and resilience (100 Resilient Cities). These groups are all relatively new, which is not surprising; the interest in collective, cross-border action by cities is recent. Their common premise is that because cities are focused on delivering services rapidly and effectively, they are often able to test and refine possible approaches faster than national governments.
The action and impact of these networks is beginning to materialize. C40 has reported that member cities have taken more than 10,000 concrete actions to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions"
See = http://www.globalparliamento!The-power-of- collective-action-Forging-a- global-role-for-mayors/mhqg1/5 77d4c080cf2e63d265f10a9
And of course this -;
"Redefining urban citizenship when migrants and refugees are the norm"
Global Parliament of Mayors, which will convene in September"
"Cities are the pragmatic problem solvers — they can better solve the [immigration] tasks of the future as compared to countries"
Participating cities will be invited to cooperate on such critical issues as climate change, refugees, pandemic disease, inequality and urban security, problems that other institutions have not always been able to address"
See = http://www.globalparliamento!Citiscope- Redefining-urban-citizenship- when-migrants-and-refugees- are-the-norm/mhqg1/573f7d0d0cf 2a9c30e5d7c0f
"Why the actions of cities — not nations — will be the key to our survival on earth
"The Hague, January 16, 2018 – While some world leaders resist global cooperation, city leaders are working across borders to tackle big issues like global warming, immigration and terrorism, says urban expert and GPM Advisory Committee Member Robert Muggah. Amid the relentlessly grim news on climate change, there is a glimmer of hope — and it’s coming from our cities. Even as the US is pulling out from its commitment to the Paris climate accord, cities of all sizes are stepping up to the plate. Enlightened mayors around the world are taking action, introducing emissions reductions targets, investing in green growth and shifting to renewable energysources. It’s one manifestation of the new politics of empowered cities, in which local leaders demand their voices be heard on some of the most serious issues of the day, especially climate change, inequality, security and migration"
"Whether nations like it or not, cities are muscling their way to the policy-making table. This is more radical than it sounds. Cities have long been shunned by international bodies such as the United Nations, and city leaders have also struggled to raise capital, including from financial institutions like the World Bank. When they participated in global agenda-setting at all, their involvement was often passive and channeled through national governments. But now the tide is turning"
"The sheer scale of city climate diplomacy is breathtaking.
In 2017, nearly 7,500 cities representing over 681 million people from every continent (except Antarctica) committed to a global pact on climate and energy.
Their stated goal is -; to accelerate action that can meet and ultimately exceed the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement targets. They are well on the way: at least 8,000 cities are relying on solar power and hundreds are already entirely powered by renewable energy.Cities like Copenhagen, San Francisco, Paris and Sydney are demonstrating the kind of climate leadership sorely lacking from their national counterparts"
"Cities are also proving to be an antidote to reactionary nationalism.
When the Trump administration signed an executive order in January 2017 to cut funding to so-called “sanctuary cities” protecting undocumented immigrants, many municipalities in the US refused to enact the legislation. After the White House decided to boycott negotiations on a new global compact to manage migration in December 2017, the largest US cities defiantly stated they’d move ahead regardless"
"US cities are not the only ones standing up to national authorities and their policies. Take the case of the mayor of London calling out populists in Europe. Or consider Barcelona, Madrid and ten other cities that have publicly opposed Spain’s restrictive asylum policies. Likewise, some Italian cities are also awarding new immigrants “local citizenship” when they are denied citizenship rights by the national authorities. Facing violence from the Turkish government, local city assemblies in Kurdish municipalities have declared self-rule and called for greater participatory democracy and human rights. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, activists on the city council are speaking out against Chinese state repression and censorship
See MORE =
Adjustment (May 26 -- 2018)
The above "Copy Paste" writing has -;
Now been HIDDEN -- OR -- REMOVED from Public Exposure
QUESTION = WHY ?? ---- WHAT is Being HIDDEN ??
Now you know what is being Developed -- Instigated -- Launched -- Pushed -- into Australia that absolutely without doubt WILL change YOUR Future at All Levels.
That Position Now cannot be Denied by anyone.
The QUESTION is -; "Will Politicians Stop this from Happening" ??
The ANSWER unfortunately is -; NO
But WHY ?? --- you ask
Simple Response -- "ALL Three Major Parties are playing from the SAME Hymn Book"
The PROBLEM is this -;
1 = The GMP have short circuited the Domestic Political System in favour of Global Allegiance
2 = The Political Arena @ State & Federal Levels is operating on FOREIGN Mandate Protocol
Therefore -; Your Vote is WORTHLESS on two Fronts
NONE of them are Operating in the Best & ONLY Interests of Australians & the Country as a Whole.
PROOF of this has already been supplied in Part (1) -- BUT what else can be shown ??
The KEY Point to Remember is this -;
"Globalists operating via the UN Mandates are implementing THEIR Protocols for THEIR Benefit alone at the Detriment & COST to You the Citizen"
NONE of the Operations by Globalists OR the UN mandates OR the Government OR Politicians are based on OR operated for you the Australian & the Country as a Whole. --- That is a FACT.
Therefore -- (as at this Writing) -- the ALP + LNP + Greens are Three Parts of the SAME Coin
Lets see =
The Following for UN + ALP + LNP + Greens are Copy Paste from Their Words & Sites
"Displaced People" = There are now an estimated 258 million people living in a country other than their country of birth, -- the number of migrants as a fraction of the population residing in high-income countries rose from 9.6% in 2000 to 14% in 2017. -- International migration is a critical concern for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. -- Based on UNHRC + UNDESA -- On 19 September 2016, the General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, -- An international conference on migration will be convened in late 2018 for the purpose of adopting a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration."
Australian Position = NONE
See =
"Displaced People" = According the UNHCR, the number of displaced people fleeing from war, conflict or persecution is the highest number since World War II. --- By the close of 2014 an estimated 59.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced around the globe as a result of persecution, conflict, violence and human rights violations. This is 8.3 million persons more than the previous year and the highest recorded annual increase in a single year.. -- Labor believes that Australia can do more to address this global humanitarian crisis. Labor believes in a compassionate approach to asylum seekers. -- A Shorten Labor Government will provide significantly increased annual funding to the UNHCR. --- At a time when the global humanitarian need is greater than ever, Labor will provide $450 million over three years to support the important work of the UNHCR. -- This funding commitment would place Australia in the top 5 of global contributors to the UNHCR. -- Labor will reinstate references to the UN Refugees Convention in the Migration Act -- Labor said its aim of increasing the humanitarian intake to 27,000 by 2025
Australian Position = NONE
See =
"Displaced People" = The Coalition Government intends to increase this to 16,250 places in 2017-18 and 18,750 places in 2018-19. In addition, the Coalition Government committed in September 2015 to resettling, as a one-off-measure, 12,000 more refugees from Syria and Iraq. --- In 2014 the Coalition introduced a “fast track” process to determine refugee claims --- The Coalition will allocate and additional $10.9 million over three years to provide support to recently arrived humanitarian migrants “to strengthen their sense of belonging to Australian society and to increase their social and economic participation
See =
PLUS = home affairs minister had previously suggested capping Australia’s immigration intake at 170,000 a year – which would have meant a cut of 20,000 people last year – but the proposal was quashed by the prime minister and the treasurer, Scott Morrison, before it made it to cabinet -- Mathias Cormann, said there had been “no suggestion that we should be reducing the overall net permanent migration further" -- Turnbull repeatedly ducked questions about the desirable rate of population -- He said the government was focused on city planning to ensure liveability. He was planning infrastructure projects “in a way no previous prime minister has done"
See =
BUDGET = While the budget forecasts of 3 per cent economic growth over the next four years look plausible, they rely on the population continuing to increase almost 1.5 per cent per year
"Former Treasury official and Industry Super chief economist Stephen Anthony calculated it from other numbers in the budget
"The maths is relatively simple: productivity growth is expected to be around the 30-year average of 1.6 per cent (itself a big stretch, given that it's currently growing by well under half that rate) and, with the labour force participation rate expected to be steady on this year's level, it will take a growing population to fill the gap and get to the 3 per cent forecast.
The Result is an INCREASE to 360,000 More People & UPWARDS Per Year
Australian Position = NONE
See =
"Displaced People" = The incorporation of relevant international conventions into immigration law -- A permanent migration program for refugees and migrants to Australia -- The development of networks, materials and programs that increase community understanding of the causes and benefits of migration -- Sufficient funding for public and community sector agencies providing migrant-specific services -- No family unit to be forcibly separated by Australian immigration assessment processes -- Access to Australia’s migration programs, including the family migration program, to not discriminate on the basis of economic circumstances -- Australia to adopt a definition of environmental refugee in its assessment criteria and to work in the UN system for inclusion of a definition in the Refugee Convention.
Australian Position = NONE
See =
1 = Australia from 1769 to 2018 is subject to British Allegiance
2 = In 1945 Australia signed to the United Nations
3 = United Nations Treaty” called -; “ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights :1976, that was signed on 16 December 1966,
4= United Nations Treaty = “ International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination :1969
5 = The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) (RDA) is a statute passed by the Australian Parliament during the Prime Ministership of Gough Whitlam
6 = In Australia the Environment was a major Topic
"the focus was on Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD), a policy process begun by Prime Minister Bob Hawke
7 = In 1992 the UN launched the Earth Summit.
The Resulting Documents were -; Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Statement of Forest Principles, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
Follow up mechanisms were -;
"Commission on Sustainable Development; Inter-agency Committee on Sustainable Development; High-level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development"
See =
8 = In May 1992 under Labor PM Keating, cabinet endorsed in principle support for the
UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
NOTE = In Australia, the cabinet papers point out, not for the first or last time, that -;
"Australia is the only developed megadiverse country; it is a major user
and exporter of greenhouse gas producing fossil fuels and energy
intensive products; it could be significantly affected by global environmental change"
9 = The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the "Convention") was adopted
at the United Nations Headquarters, New York on the 9 May 1992
10 = The Convention entered into force on 21 March 1994, in accordance with Article 23.
See =
From here on -- Australia went down the Path of Allegiance to another FOREIGN Power.
This time = The United Nations.
Now there is another UN backed Mandate that seeks to CONTROL the Fortunes, Dimensions & Future of Australian's & the Country as a Whole which will be Funded via a % of Gross Domestic Income that is funneled into another area of a Foreign Entity.
The Financial position is fast approaching One BILLION DOLLARS per YEAR. for the privilege of funding Foreign Mandates that seek to Control our Country, Lives & Future.
There You Have it
They have PROVED -- By their Own Words -- that they do NOT Represent YOUR Best Interests OR that of the Country in this regard.
They have shown they DELIBERATELY have & ACTIVELY are Selling Out the Country & YOUR Future by ADOPTING & instigating FOREIGN Mandates & PROGRAMS at YOUR Financial & Social Cost.
How can you EVER "TRUST" ANY of the Politicians & Political Parties Ever Again, especially when this has been going on for DECADES.
At the End of the Day -;
Australian Sovereignty has NEVER been allowed to be instigated
One must consider if these are Really the "Days of Winter" when the Ideal of Australia will be extinguished forever & replaced with a mix of Global Fragmentation that is administered by Foreign Powers under the realm of Cultural Marxism that is operated by Globalist Authority for THEIR Benefit at YOUR Cost.
This WILL Happen if YOU Do Nothing to HELP Yourself & the Country STOP this Incursion
The proposal of Global Mayors Parliament start is October 2018
WHAT will YOU Do to ADDRESS this ISSUE ??
"Global Parliament of Mayors 2018 Summit
‘Empowering Cities as Drivers of Change’
October 21-23, Bristol, UK
"1 = Coping with migration and establishing an inclusive economy’
2 = Addressing urban security in today’s fast changing world’ ‘
3 = Dealing with health to ensure city resilience’ ‘
4 = Equipping cities with resources, knowledge, data and research to tackle global issues"
5 = Global governance and networks: ‘What do mayors need from city
6 = Publication of the GPM Declaration 2018.
"BUSINESS PLAN = 2017 to 2022
"This GPM Business Plan provides the framework to grow substantially in the coming years, fulfil a progressive role in the global governance system and act on critical issues impacting humankind"
Patricia de Lille Interim Chair Steering Committee Mayor of Cape Town August 2017
The mayors of the world want to create a sustainable and inclusive world by strengthening the rights of cities towards national and international governance and giving a global voice to its mayors"
"In support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM) chooses to:-;
1. Build an active, impactful and structured network of, by and for mayors
2. Offer a global voice to international organisations for cities & their citizens all over the world
3. Enhance cooperation, connectivity and solidarity between city leaders
4. Advance global agendas of international organisations by supporting action driven regional or local initiatives and providing services that mobilise such initiatives"
The GPM mayors are the drivers of action in all 4 aforementioned areas. This occurs under the leadership of the Executive Committee, under the chairmanship of Ms. De Lille, Mayor of Cape Town, under the guidance of the General Meeting, and supported by an Advisory Committee and the Secretariat. With financial support of members and donors, the GPM has an ambitious growth agenda. From 63 members in August 2017, it aims to grow to a membership base of 1.000 cities in 2030 and become a recognised force for the good in the 21st century: independent from national governments and business interests, solely guided by civic demands. The GPM promotes collective city decision-making across national borders, addressing global challenges facing humanity"
We call upon donors to continue to use the GPM platform to advance their global humanitarian agendas"
3. Introduction
3.1. What will follow In this plan you will find:
The ambition formulated in mission, vision, goals and objectives, including a basic business model (chapter 4);
Products, services and pricing (incl. membership) (chapter 5);
Capabilities specified in design principles and added value (chapter 6);
Corporate structure including legal form, structure and governance (chapter 7);
Financial management (chapter 8). The content of this Business Plan is based on The Hague Declaration, the Mission Statement, the temporary governance principles (attachments A, B and C) and the expertise of a team of civil servants from the cities of The Hague, Mannheim, Bristol, Stavanger and Cape Town and the GPM Secretariat, advised by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC/The Netherlands)
See =
"#QUESTION = Has the Elimination of Westphalian Democracy begun with the #takeover of Councils & Social structures by a #Foreign Entity ??
"The age of the dominion of nation states, four centuries long, is over"
"Their national borders and insular sovereignty no longer accommodate the borderless interdependence of the 21st century world" = Global Mayors Parliament
That is a succinct statement that leaves NO doubt to the ANSWER of the beginning QUESTION.
You have read in (4) GMP what the Aims PLUS the Direction is
BUT how is this proposed Global Parliament going to commence & WHAT are the ramifications of such an entity evolving in Australia ??
You Dare Not - You Cannot - You MUST Not treat this Exposure - this WARNING - with APATHY.
Consider -;
"The Rise of Cities and a Global Parliament of Mayors"
"Building on a foundation of intercity cooperation aimed at addressing the increasing dysfunction of nation-states in dealing with global crises, Benjamin Barber proposes a governance revolution: the founding of a New global legislative body comprising the world’s cities"
"Little wonder, then, given this irresistible rise of cities to political preeminence, that a governance revolution is underway. This revolution is the consequence of two trends:
The First, a devolution revolution in which, as Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne explained last spring, England will “deliver radical devolution to its great cities,” giving them “levers to grow their own local economies.”
The Second trend, grounded in the results of the first, is the manifest capacity of cities to work together across borders in addressing such common global issues as climate change, refugees and crime.
As Mayor Bill di Blasio of New York City has said, “when national governments fail to act on crucial issues like climate, cities have to do so.” Climate and sea rise have been particular concerns of cities, 90 percent of which are built on water: rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. Although the COP 21 meetings in Paris finally achieved a modest general agreement, it appears that real implementation will depend on cities where 80 percent of greenhouse emissions are generated and the political will is present to act"
See = http://www.globalparliamento
PLUS This -;
"The Global Parliament of Mayors and the #Abolition of the #Electorate"
"The overall objective of the internationalists is the undermining of the independent, self governing, Westphalian Nation State and its system of governance, replaced by a new order"
"Total control of the levers of power in our cities and regions has been one of the key targets of the internationalists and their collaborators. We provided evidence of this indisputable fact in our in depthCommon Purpose Effect series of articles within which we identified and revealed covert networks undermining democracy within our Core Cites and other Local Governance structures.
In 1974 Richard N. Gardner, writing in Foreign Affairs, a journal published by the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote
the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
Gardner served as Special Advisor to the United Nations at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, as he did in 1972 at the UN Conference on the Human Environment. Gardner is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In recent years there has been a great 'booming, buzzing confusion' around the question of elected mayors in our Cities and Regions"
See = http://www.globalparliamento
Then there is This -;
"Forging a global role for mayors"
Speaking at Global Infrastructure Initiative in late 2015, Atlanta’s mayor, Kasim Reed, suggested that -;
“Cities are going to move faster and lead because the #Federal structure is just #not built to accommodate the rate of change that’s going to be required globally."
"Local leadership can lead to global solutions
Because many significant urban challenges are global, the problems related to crime, pollution, natural-resource shortages, and economic turmoil move fluidly across borders. Consider MIGRATION: the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that nearly 60 million people have been displaced from their homes and about a third are officially categorized as refugees. While national governments struggle to decide whether, whom, and how many people to accept, it is cities that must cope with the day-to-day realities of accommodating those who arrive, often in desperate straits and without legal status.
It is important to recognize that migrants can bring positive contributions. A recent report from Standard & Poor’s Financial Services, for example, found that Turkey’s economy has benefited from the influx of 2.7 million Syrians; the new arrivals, the report said, have provided a “positive shock.” As McKinsey’s Jonathan Woetzel told the Global Infrastructure Initiative and also noted in a recent article, two-thirds of urban economic growth is determined by population flow. Migrants who become integrated into the urban community can provide significant benefits"
"Dozens of global networks of cities have been established to tackle specific issues such as climate change (ICLEI’s C40 Cities), security (European Forum for Urban Security, Mayors for Peace, Strong Cities Network), and resilience (100 Resilient Cities). These groups are all relatively new, which is not surprising; the interest in collective, cross-border action by cities is recent. Their common premise is that because cities are focused on delivering services rapidly and effectively, they are often able to test and refine possible approaches faster than national governments.
The action and impact of these networks is beginning to materialize. C40 has reported that member cities have taken more than 10,000 concrete actions to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions"
See = http://www.globalparliamento
And of course this -;
"Redefining urban citizenship when migrants and refugees are the norm"
Global Parliament of Mayors, which will convene in September"
"Cities are the pragmatic problem solvers — they can better solve the [immigration] tasks of the future as compared to countries"
Participating cities will be invited to cooperate on such critical issues as climate change, refugees, pandemic disease, inequality and urban security, problems that other institutions have not always been able to address"
See = http://www.globalparliamento
"Why the actions of cities — not nations — will be the key to our survival on earth
"The Hague, January 16, 2018 – While some world leaders resist global cooperation, city leaders are working across borders to tackle big issues like global warming, immigration and terrorism, says urban expert and GPM Advisory Committee Member Robert Muggah. Amid the relentlessly grim news on climate change, there is a glimmer of hope — and it’s coming from our cities. Even as the US is pulling out from its commitment to the Paris climate accord, cities of all sizes are stepping up to the plate. Enlightened mayors around the world are taking action, introducing emissions reductions targets, investing in green growth and shifting to renewable energysources. It’s one manifestation of the new politics of empowered cities, in which local leaders demand their voices be heard on some of the most serious issues of the day, especially climate change, inequality, security and migration"
"Whether nations like it or not, cities are muscling their way to the policy-making table. This is more radical than it sounds. Cities have long been shunned by international bodies such as the United Nations, and city leaders have also struggled to raise capital, including from financial institutions like the World Bank. When they participated in global agenda-setting at all, their involvement was often passive and channeled through national governments. But now the tide is turning"
"The sheer scale of city climate diplomacy is breathtaking.
In 2017, nearly 7,500 cities representing over 681 million people from every continent (except Antarctica) committed to a global pact on climate and energy.
Their stated goal is -; to accelerate action that can meet and ultimately exceed the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement targets. They are well on the way: at least 8,000 cities are relying on solar power and hundreds are already entirely powered by renewable energy.Cities like Copenhagen, San Francisco, Paris and Sydney are demonstrating the kind of climate leadership sorely lacking from their national counterparts"
"Cities are also proving to be an antidote to reactionary nationalism.
When the Trump administration signed an executive order in January 2017 to cut funding to so-called “sanctuary cities” protecting undocumented immigrants, many municipalities in the US refused to enact the legislation. After the White House decided to boycott negotiations on a new global compact to manage migration in December 2017, the largest US cities defiantly stated they’d move ahead regardless"
"US cities are not the only ones standing up to national authorities and their policies. Take the case of the mayor of London calling out populists in Europe. Or consider Barcelona, Madrid and ten other cities that have publicly opposed Spain’s restrictive asylum policies. Likewise, some Italian cities are also awarding new immigrants “local citizenship” when they are denied citizenship rights by the national authorities. Facing violence from the Turkish government, local city assemblies in Kurdish municipalities have declared self-rule and called for greater participatory democracy and human rights. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, activists on the city council are speaking out against Chinese state repression and censorship
See MORE =
Adjustment (May 26 -- 2018)
The above "Copy Paste" writing has -;
Now been HIDDEN -- OR -- REMOVED from Public Exposure
QUESTION = WHY ?? ---- WHAT is Being HIDDEN ??
Now you know what is being Developed -- Instigated -- Launched -- Pushed -- into Australia that absolutely without doubt WILL change YOUR Future at All Levels.
That Position Now cannot be Denied by anyone.
The QUESTION is -; "Will Politicians Stop this from Happening" ??
The ANSWER unfortunately is -; NO
But WHY ?? --- you ask
Simple Response -- "ALL Three Major Parties are playing from the SAME Hymn Book"
The PROBLEM is this -;
1 = The GMP have short circuited the Domestic Political System in favour of Global Allegiance
2 = The Political Arena @ State & Federal Levels is operating on FOREIGN Mandate Protocol
Therefore -; Your Vote is WORTHLESS on two Fronts
NONE of them are Operating in the Best & ONLY Interests of Australians & the Country as a Whole.
PROOF of this has already been supplied in Part (1) -- BUT what else can be shown ??
The KEY Point to Remember is this -;
"Globalists operating via the UN Mandates are implementing THEIR Protocols for THEIR Benefit alone at the Detriment & COST to You the Citizen"
NONE of the Operations by Globalists OR the UN mandates OR the Government OR Politicians are based on OR operated for you the Australian & the Country as a Whole. --- That is a FACT.
Therefore -- (as at this Writing) -- the ALP + LNP + Greens are Three Parts of the SAME Coin
Lets see =
The Following for UN + ALP + LNP + Greens are Copy Paste from Their Words & Sites
"Displaced People" = There are now an estimated 258 million people living in a country other than their country of birth, -- the number of migrants as a fraction of the population residing in high-income countries rose from 9.6% in 2000 to 14% in 2017. -- International migration is a critical concern for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. -- Based on UNHRC + UNDESA -- On 19 September 2016, the General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, -- An international conference on migration will be convened in late 2018 for the purpose of adopting a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration."
Australian Position = NONE
See =
"Displaced People" = According the UNHCR, the number of displaced people fleeing from war, conflict or persecution is the highest number since World War II. --- By the close of 2014 an estimated 59.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced around the globe as a result of persecution, conflict, violence and human rights violations. This is 8.3 million persons more than the previous year and the highest recorded annual increase in a single year.. -- Labor believes that Australia can do more to address this global humanitarian crisis. Labor believes in a compassionate approach to asylum seekers. -- A Shorten Labor Government will provide significantly increased annual funding to the UNHCR. --- At a time when the global humanitarian need is greater than ever, Labor will provide $450 million over three years to support the important work of the UNHCR. -- This funding commitment would place Australia in the top 5 of global contributors to the UNHCR. -- Labor will reinstate references to the UN Refugees Convention in the Migration Act -- Labor said its aim of increasing the humanitarian intake to 27,000 by 2025
Australian Position = NONE
See =
"Displaced People" = The Coalition Government intends to increase this to 16,250 places in 2017-18 and 18,750 places in 2018-19. In addition, the Coalition Government committed in September 2015 to resettling, as a one-off-measure, 12,000 more refugees from Syria and Iraq. --- In 2014 the Coalition introduced a “fast track” process to determine refugee claims --- The Coalition will allocate and additional $10.9 million over three years to provide support to recently arrived humanitarian migrants “to strengthen their sense of belonging to Australian society and to increase their social and economic participation
See =
PLUS = home affairs minister had previously suggested capping Australia’s immigration intake at 170,000 a year – which would have meant a cut of 20,000 people last year – but the proposal was quashed by the prime minister and the treasurer, Scott Morrison, before it made it to cabinet -- Mathias Cormann, said there had been “no suggestion that we should be reducing the overall net permanent migration further" -- Turnbull repeatedly ducked questions about the desirable rate of population -- He said the government was focused on city planning to ensure liveability. He was planning infrastructure projects “in a way no previous prime minister has done"
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BUDGET = While the budget forecasts of 3 per cent economic growth over the next four years look plausible, they rely on the population continuing to increase almost 1.5 per cent per year
"Former Treasury official and Industry Super chief economist Stephen Anthony calculated it from other numbers in the budget
"The maths is relatively simple: productivity growth is expected to be around the 30-year average of 1.6 per cent (itself a big stretch, given that it's currently growing by well under half that rate) and, with the labour force participation rate expected to be steady on this year's level, it will take a growing population to fill the gap and get to the 3 per cent forecast.
The Result is an INCREASE to 360,000 More People & UPWARDS Per Year
Australian Position = NONE
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"Displaced People" = The incorporation of relevant international conventions into immigration law -- A permanent migration program for refugees and migrants to Australia -- The development of networks, materials and programs that increase community understanding of the causes and benefits of migration -- Sufficient funding for public and community sector agencies providing migrant-specific services -- No family unit to be forcibly separated by Australian immigration assessment processes -- Access to Australia’s migration programs, including the family migration program, to not discriminate on the basis of economic circumstances -- Australia to adopt a definition of environmental refugee in its assessment criteria and to work in the UN system for inclusion of a definition in the Refugee Convention.
Australian Position = NONE
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1 = Australia from 1769 to 2018 is subject to British Allegiance
2 = In 1945 Australia signed to the United Nations
3 = United Nations Treaty” called -; “ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights :1976, that was signed on 16 December 1966,
4= United Nations Treaty = “ International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination :1969
5 = The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) (RDA) is a statute passed by the Australian Parliament during the Prime Ministership of Gough Whitlam
6 = In Australia the Environment was a major Topic
"the focus was on Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD), a policy process begun by Prime Minister Bob Hawke
7 = In 1992 the UN launched the Earth Summit.
The Resulting Documents were -; Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Statement of Forest Principles, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
Follow up mechanisms were -;
"Commission on Sustainable Development; Inter-agency Committee on Sustainable Development; High-level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development"
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8 = In May 1992 under Labor PM Keating, cabinet endorsed in principle support for the
UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
NOTE = In Australia, the cabinet papers point out, not for the first or last time, that -;
"Australia is the only developed megadiverse country; it is a major user
and exporter of greenhouse gas producing fossil fuels and energy
intensive products; it could be significantly affected by global environmental change"
9 = The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the "Convention") was adopted
at the United Nations Headquarters, New York on the 9 May 1992
10 = The Convention entered into force on 21 March 1994, in accordance with Article 23.
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From here on -- Australia went down the Path of Allegiance to another FOREIGN Power.
This time = The United Nations.
Now there is another UN backed Mandate that seeks to CONTROL the Fortunes, Dimensions & Future of Australian's & the Country as a Whole which will be Funded via a % of Gross Domestic Income that is funneled into another area of a Foreign Entity.
The Financial position is fast approaching One BILLION DOLLARS per YEAR. for the privilege of funding Foreign Mandates that seek to Control our Country, Lives & Future.
There You Have it
They have PROVED -- By their Own Words -- that they do NOT Represent YOUR Best Interests OR that of the Country in this regard.
They have shown they DELIBERATELY have & ACTIVELY are Selling Out the Country & YOUR Future by ADOPTING & instigating FOREIGN Mandates & PROGRAMS at YOUR Financial & Social Cost.
How can you EVER "TRUST" ANY of the Politicians & Political Parties Ever Again, especially when this has been going on for DECADES.
At the End of the Day -;
Australian Sovereignty has NEVER been allowed to be instigated
One must consider if these are Really the "Days of Winter" when the Ideal of Australia will be extinguished forever & replaced with a mix of Global Fragmentation that is administered by Foreign Powers under the realm of Cultural Marxism that is operated by Globalist Authority for THEIR Benefit at YOUR Cost.
This WILL Happen if YOU Do Nothing to HELP Yourself & the Country STOP this Incursion
The proposal of Global Mayors Parliament start is October 2018
WHAT will YOU Do to ADDRESS this ISSUE ??
"Global Parliament of Mayors 2018 Summit
‘Empowering Cities as Drivers of Change’
October 21-23, Bristol, UK
"1 = Coping with migration and establishing an inclusive economy’
2 = Addressing urban security in today’s fast changing world’ ‘
3 = Dealing with health to ensure city resilience’ ‘
4 = Equipping cities with resources, knowledge, data and research to tackle global issues"
5 = Global governance and networks: ‘What do mayors need from city
6 = Publication of the GPM Declaration 2018.
"BUSINESS PLAN = 2017 to 2022
"This GPM Business Plan provides the framework to grow substantially in the coming years, fulfil a progressive role in the global governance system and act on critical issues impacting humankind"
Patricia de Lille Interim Chair Steering Committee Mayor of Cape Town August 2017
The mayors of the world want to create a sustainable and inclusive world by strengthening the rights of cities towards national and international governance and giving a global voice to its mayors"
"In support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM) chooses to:-;
1. Build an active, impactful and structured network of, by and for mayors
2. Offer a global voice to international organisations for cities & their citizens all over the world
3. Enhance cooperation, connectivity and solidarity between city leaders
4. Advance global agendas of international organisations by supporting action driven regional or local initiatives and providing services that mobilise such initiatives"
The GPM mayors are the drivers of action in all 4 aforementioned areas. This occurs under the leadership of the Executive Committee, under the chairmanship of Ms. De Lille, Mayor of Cape Town, under the guidance of the General Meeting, and supported by an Advisory Committee and the Secretariat. With financial support of members and donors, the GPM has an ambitious growth agenda. From 63 members in August 2017, it aims to grow to a membership base of 1.000 cities in 2030 and become a recognised force for the good in the 21st century: independent from national governments and business interests, solely guided by civic demands. The GPM promotes collective city decision-making across national borders, addressing global challenges facing humanity"
We call upon donors to continue to use the GPM platform to advance their global humanitarian agendas"
3. Introduction
3.1. What will follow In this plan you will find:
The ambition formulated in mission, vision, goals and objectives, including a basic business model (chapter 4);
Products, services and pricing (incl. membership) (chapter 5);
Capabilities specified in design principles and added value (chapter 6);
Corporate structure including legal form, structure and governance (chapter 7);
Financial management (chapter 8). The content of this Business Plan is based on The Hague Declaration, the Mission Statement, the temporary governance principles (attachments A, B and C) and the expertise of a team of civil servants from the cities of The Hague, Mannheim, Bristol, Stavanger and Cape Town and the GPM Secretariat, advised by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC/The Netherlands)
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