Clarioskin Project = (4) GMP
"Australians today MUST consider whether there will be a Third Golden Age for Australian's & the Country as a whole OR whether the continuation of Foreign Mandates shall determine the future.
From the 1850's Gold Rush & 1860 to 1890, the Country rode on the sheep"s back.
From 2012 to 2017 a resurgence occurred with the mining boom BUT now the dark clouds of tyranny are gathering.
They started in the 1960's when no-one was paying attention
They grow in the mid 1970's as a Test association, then manifested into a structure in 1992.
From there the escalation grew at break neck speeds across a myriad of spectrum's that did not appear to be connected to the casual observer.
"NOW -- The Future is upon us, where we as a Country many no longer have a future of our own.
In our collective Apathy & laid back utopia, most of us have NOT seen the encroaching hordes that seek to remove the prosperity of our hard won sanctuary.
Our chance for an Australia of Pure Sovereignty is again being denied by another Foreign entity that seeks to dominate our very existence to the point of obliteration.
Your Future is about to be TAKEN & there is NO Time to waste.
WAKE-UP -- A Call to Arms --- The Barbarians are at the Gate
"The FOLLOWING is a Time Line of Actions from Historical Positioning to that of Modern scope where Australia will STILL be a Pawn for FOREIGN Players for THEIR Benefit UNLESS -- YOU the Australian People get involved to save YOUR Future & the Country.
"Money makes the World go round so we are told & it is a Proven Fact that a handful of entities control the Financial reigns of both Countries & Regions on a Global Scale in areas of Money, Finance, Commodities & Technology -- BUT -- What happens then ?? How do Countries operate ?? Who Controls them ?? What is the Direction ?? More importantly is - WHAT is YOUR Future ??
When you consider ALL relative information that has been written about Australia from the first days by people such as -; John Hunter who was officer on the Sirius, David Collins who was Judge Advocate of the New Colony, John Easty was a Soldier onboard the Scarborough & the much celebrated Watkin Tench, Marine Captain onboard the Charlotte, up to recent times with articles like -; "And the Anthem Was ---", plus "Changing Faces 2 = Fractured Harmony", one can quite clearly see the application & direction of Australia -- BUT -- What of the Future ??
This half Century will be known as the -; "UN Conglomerate Period" where Nation States are brought to the edge of Collapse in the wake of "Cultural Marxism" based on Socialist Ideology.
In reality -; This is a continuation of Australia's History where the Country allows Foreign Mandates to strip the Assets while dumping the less fortunate into a New Reality to feed those assets development.
This process started in 1769 at the British Admiralty & has evolved to be directed by the United Nations at the time of this writing in 2018 -- nearly 250 years later.
Nothing has Changed EXCEPT the PACE of indoctrination.
Now there is a New Development that could cement this process WITHOUT any way around it.
The Assertion is -;
"Globalists want to take over the World & they are using the UN to facilitate this program of action by implementing a New Authority as Control Premise WITHOUT the Public knowledge OR acceptance on ANY level"
REALLY ?? --- Is this just Conspiracy Theory ?? = NO it is Not
This Application is Deadly "REAL" & Extremely SERIOUS.
Consider the following -; NOTE --- Watch the DATES -- PLUS -- The RED Highlights
BANKS reside over Real #Pinnacle of Power --The #Instrument of that Power is #UN & it's Divisions
#WTO #IMF #WBC #G20 --These in turn use the Second tier as #Premise = #UNHRC #UNCCC #UNOOSA Next 169 Depts are #Operating arms -- Govts #AIM = Eliminate Nation States for #UN = #FACT
"To #CONTROL the OUTCOME of #UN Mandates in OZ
1 = Eliminate Abbott 2 = Change Population via #UNHRC 3 = House Population increase via #SmartCities = 10 Million Each 4 = Run Cities via #GMP #AIM = Force #Climate Change & Migration WITHOUT Public knowledge OR Consent = #FACT"
The FOLLOWING is a Time Line of Actions that are leading up to the TAKEOVER of Australia at a Mayoral Level that seeks to IGNORE the Nation State Rule of Law for THEIR Own Benefit.
"That is all well & good -- BUT -; "What PROOF is there to back this assertion" ??
To ANSWER that QUESTION -; Follow the Actions by DATE to see a CLEAR Direction & Outcome of Staged Events PLUS --- WHO is actually behind that Direction.
See =
"January 2013 = Dr. Benjamin Barber’s book, “If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities” introduces the idea of a global governance platform for cities"
"June 2013 = WHY Mayors should Rule the World.
"October 2013 = A second formal discussion about the creation of a GPM takes place in New York City, under the auspices of Michael Bloomberg’s CityLab"
November 2013 = Mayor Park Won-Soon and CityNet host a meeting to discuss the idea of creating a Global Parliament of Mayors
September 2014 = Hosted by the Dutch G4 Mayors in Amsterdam, 30 cities and over 50 urban and governance experts joined in a vote of confidence for the GPM Project"
Original = SEPT -- 2014 = Lord Monckton states UN & Left will have Tony Abbott Removed as Prime Minister of Australia & Replaced by Malcolm Turnbull in conjunction with the UN.
See =
MAY -- 2015
"Climate change is a hoax led by the United Nations so that it can end democracy and impose authoritarian rule, according to Prime Minister Tony Abbott's chief business adviser" --- "Maurice Newman, the chairman of the Prime Minister's business advisory council, has written in The Australian that scientific modelling showing the link between humans and climate change is wrong and the real agenda is a world takeover for the UN"
"Mr Newman's column was written to coincide with an Australian visit by the head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres"
Mr Newman continued that global warming was a "hook" to install a new world order. Figueres is on record saying democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model," he said.
"Labor's environment spokesman Mark Butler was asked whether the opposition thought Mr Newman should stand down.
I've never been particularly clear why Maurice Newman holds the position he does hold given how central climate change is to the future economic prosperity of Australia," Mr Butler said"
"Mr Hunt said the government's approach was to work constructively with all international parties.
I met this week with Christiana Figueres. Our goal is to be part of a constructive post- 2020 agreement," Mr Hunt said
See =
Climate Change in Four Steps = Christiana Figueres
See =
About =
See =
"September -- 2015 = Tony Abbott ousted as PM of Australia
See =
December 2015 = Mayor Jozias van Aartsen and Dr. Benjamin Barber sign a letter of agreement, naming The Hague as Host of the GPM Inaugural Convening"
"September 2016 = The Inaugural Convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors in The Hague, Netherlands."
December 1, 2016 = The former UN climate chief -- Christiana Figueres -- was announced as the vice chair of the new Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy.
It is expected she will play a key role in running the coalition of more than 7000 Mayors.
"September 2017 = 2nd Annual Convening ‘A Governance Revolution Empowering Cities’ in Stavanger (Norway).Establishment of the formal GPM Association as a legal body."
See =
"September 2017 = Former United Nations climate chief, Christiana Figueres has advice for PM Turnbull when she said AGL's Liddell power station is a "grandmother" plant that shouldn't receive funds more usefully invested elsewhere to improve Australia's energy prospects. Ms Figueres, who as executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change oversaw the Paris climate agreement, said time is running out for Australia to get its energy and carbon policies in order".
See =
"February 26 -- 2018 = C40's 2nd annual Women4Climate conference will bring together global mayors, business leaders and innovative changemakers who are committed to taking climate action and creating more sustainable and inclusive communities. In Mexico City, it will be clear that when it comes to climate action, the future is female
"March 2018 = Global Mayors Summit on CLIMATE
"Summit was a key opportunity for mayors from around the world to discuss the critical next steps for creating integrated city climate strategies for Climate Change
See =
"March 2018 = The CitiesIPCC Cities and Climate Change Science
Conference aims to inspire the next frontier of research focused on the science of cities and climate change
See =
"May 8-10, 2018 = Smart Cities New York Pier 36, NY)
"June 2018 = Chicago Council on Global Affairs
See = information still being developed.
"October 2018 = Annual Summit will take place in Bristol, UK and start on Sunday October 21st and end on Tuesday October 23rd, around 16.00 hrs"
"The focus will be on empowering cities discussing key global challenges as inclusive cities, safe cities, innovative cities, equal cities and prepared cities, and how local action can support international and national policy and advocate for cities to be formally represented in international frameworks"
See =
In 2013 the idea of a Global structure to support Climate Change + UNHRC + Migration + other UN mandates like the Sustainable Development Goals was announced.
This manifested into a structure called the Global Mayors Parliament
The UN wanted to establish the Paris Accord with Global Countries but Australia's PM at the time was not convinced it was a viable position or actually correct.
Warning was given 10 months before about the possible "removal" of the PM by forces who were pushing both Climate & Immigration. His successor was named in that Warning.
Ten months later Australia's PM was removed & replaced with the exact person who was suggested.
The New PM is a supporter of the UN mandates & the Climate cabal.
He replaced a PM who was NOT Climate supporter.
The person who orchestrated the Paris Accord then became the Vice Chair of Global Mayors & subsequently met the New PM in Sydney.
Smart Cities was proposed as a Government Idea but in reality it is a UN mandate.
The QUESTION that arises is -; "WHY have Countries sign to a Global Agreement BUT then instigate a Local format to deliver the same manifesto". ??
The only reason that makes sense is -; "to Control the Country at the Grass Roots Level via Mayors PLUS Councils PLUS various Corporate entities -- by circumventing both State & Federal Governments in the event of Political Change".
To secure that footing would require a Legal Entity.
During 2018, the GMP has become a Legal entity with a proposed Parliament to be instigated on a Global Format in October 2018.
Today there are now 26 Cities in Australia that have signed to the Global Mayors Parliament.
Politicians continue to DENY this incursion is happening. even though PROOF has been supplied to many of them.
The RESULT is -; Australia is being taken over by stealth "with" Politicians knowledge & the General Public has been kept in the dark with NO knowledge of constructed events --- until Now.
WAKEUP -- Your Country is being TAKEN
Section TWO to this Article is -; "ELIMINATION of SOVEREIGNTY" & can be read
Here =
"Australians today MUST consider whether there will be a Third Golden Age for Australian's & the Country as a whole OR whether the continuation of Foreign Mandates shall determine the future.
From the 1850's Gold Rush & 1860 to 1890, the Country rode on the sheep"s back.
From 2012 to 2017 a resurgence occurred with the mining boom BUT now the dark clouds of tyranny are gathering.
They started in the 1960's when no-one was paying attention
They grow in the mid 1970's as a Test association, then manifested into a structure in 1992.
From there the escalation grew at break neck speeds across a myriad of spectrum's that did not appear to be connected to the casual observer.
"NOW -- The Future is upon us, where we as a Country many no longer have a future of our own.
In our collective Apathy & laid back utopia, most of us have NOT seen the encroaching hordes that seek to remove the prosperity of our hard won sanctuary.
Our chance for an Australia of Pure Sovereignty is again being denied by another Foreign entity that seeks to dominate our very existence to the point of obliteration.
Your Future is about to be TAKEN & there is NO Time to waste.
WAKE-UP -- A Call to Arms --- The Barbarians are at the Gate
"The FOLLOWING is a Time Line of Actions from Historical Positioning to that of Modern scope where Australia will STILL be a Pawn for FOREIGN Players for THEIR Benefit UNLESS -- YOU the Australian People get involved to save YOUR Future & the Country.
"Money makes the World go round so we are told & it is a Proven Fact that a handful of entities control the Financial reigns of both Countries & Regions on a Global Scale in areas of Money, Finance, Commodities & Technology -- BUT -- What happens then ?? How do Countries operate ?? Who Controls them ?? What is the Direction ?? More importantly is - WHAT is YOUR Future ??
When you consider ALL relative information that has been written about Australia from the first days by people such as -; John Hunter who was officer on the Sirius, David Collins who was Judge Advocate of the New Colony, John Easty was a Soldier onboard the Scarborough & the much celebrated Watkin Tench, Marine Captain onboard the Charlotte, up to recent times with articles like -; "And the Anthem Was ---", plus "Changing Faces 2 = Fractured Harmony", one can quite clearly see the application & direction of Australia -- BUT -- What of the Future ??
This half Century will be known as the -; "UN Conglomerate Period" where Nation States are brought to the edge of Collapse in the wake of "Cultural Marxism" based on Socialist Ideology.
In reality -; This is a continuation of Australia's History where the Country allows Foreign Mandates to strip the Assets while dumping the less fortunate into a New Reality to feed those assets development.
This process started in 1769 at the British Admiralty & has evolved to be directed by the United Nations at the time of this writing in 2018 -- nearly 250 years later.
Nothing has Changed EXCEPT the PACE of indoctrination.
Now there is a New Development that could cement this process WITHOUT any way around it.
The Assertion is -;
"Globalists want to take over the World & they are using the UN to facilitate this program of action by implementing a New Authority as Control Premise WITHOUT the Public knowledge OR acceptance on ANY level"
REALLY ?? --- Is this just Conspiracy Theory ?? = NO it is Not
This Application is Deadly "REAL" & Extremely SERIOUS.
Consider the following -; NOTE --- Watch the DATES -- PLUS -- The RED Highlights
Consider the Following as a MAJOR Position of INCURSION into Australian Society WITHOUT Consent
The Following are Select pieces & Points regarding the above ISSUE.
They PROVE categorically that the GMP is a REAL Entity
Their AIM is to operate a FOREIGN set of mandates WITHOUT Public knowledge or Acceptance
withing the Australian Society.
The RED Highlighted segments should be considered as Extremely Urgent in Nature
The Public is being DELIBERATELY kept in the Dark by -; Politicians. Mayors, Councillors,
Individual PUBLIC Freedoms are being DECIMATED at a Wholesale Level WITHOUT Public knowledge.
This Issue was raised in 2014 & Dismissed as Conspiracy Theory.
As short a time ago as just PRIOR to the Last SA Election -;
"a Sitting Politician DISMISSED Agenda 2030 PLUS the entity of GMP as Global Conspiracy Theory".
Since this ISSUE was raised on Social Media -- The Federal Government has -;
1 = NOT Told the Public formally about adopting FOREIGN Mandates.
2 = Have recently just added some information on their Website about Agenda 2030
3 = Have LIED about instigating a FOREIGN Protocol as their Own Plan.
4 = Too many more to list here --- at this time.
The Reason for this exposure is -;
1 = to provide verification of the encroaching Foreign entity
2 = To inform the Public that their Future is at Stake.
3 = To generate discussion & devise solutions to DEFEND against this impending peril.
The Following is a condensed version regarding the ISSUE of Concern.
"November 2013 = Mayor Park Won-Soon and CityNet host a meeting to discuss the idea of creating a Global Parliament of Mayors
"September 2014 = Hosted by the Dutch G4 Mayors in Amsterdam, 30 cities and over 50 urban and governance experts joined in a vote of confidence for the GPM Projec
"December 2015 = Mayor Jozias van Aartsen and Dr. Benjamin Barber sign a letter of agreement, naming The Hague as Host of the GPM Inaugural Convening"
"September 2016 = The Inaugural Convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors in The Hague, Netherlands."
"September 2017 = 2nd Annual Convening ‘A Governance Revolution Empowering Cities’ in Stavanger (Norway).Establishment of the formal GPM Association as a legal body."
See =
"November 2013 = Mayor Park Won-Soon and CityNet host a meeting to discuss the idea of creating a Global Parliament of Mayors
"September 2014 = Hosted by the Dutch G4 Mayors in Amsterdam, 30 cities and over 50 urban and governance experts joined in a vote of confidence for the GPM Projec
"December 2015 = Mayor Jozias van Aartsen and Dr. Benjamin Barber sign a letter of agreement, naming The Hague as Host of the GPM Inaugural Convening"
"September 2016 = The Inaugural Convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors in The Hague, Netherlands."
"September 2017 = 2nd Annual Convening ‘A Governance Revolution Empowering Cities’ in Stavanger (Norway).Establishment of the formal GPM Association as a legal body."
See =
The following is a "Copy Paste" from the GMP sites & Documents.
The Reason for doing this is
"They have previously Changed some of their wording to better hide their Agendas.
"The GPM is founded as an universal body to which mayors of all cities—north and south, large and small, rich and poor shall join.
" The GPM encourages all mayors to join the Global Parliament of Mayors.
Becoming a member of the GPM requires commitment to the basic values of the GPM as defined in the GPM mission statement, to be an ambassador for the GMP and its common action policy, and to pay an annual contribution.
Becoming a member of the GPM requires commitment to the basic values of the GPM as defined in the GPM mission statement, to be an ambassador for the GMP and its common action policy, and to pay an annual contribution.
The annual membership fee is based on -;
the Gross National Income (GNI) and the size of the population of a city"
Table Example @ Fee is $ US
Population/Gross National Income per capita | 0-1,035 USD | 1,03-4,085 USD | 4,086-12,615 USD | 12,616 USD |
0 to 100,000 | € 483 | € 967 | € 1.450 | € 1.933 |
100,001 to 500,000 | € 967 | € 1.933 | € 2.900 | € 3.867 |
500,001 to 1,000,000 | € 1.450 | € 2.900 | € 4.350 | € 5.800 |
Above 1,000,001 | € 1.933 | € 3.867 | € 5.800 | € 7.734 |
" The GPM is an association under the Dutch law with its registered office in The Hague, The Netherlands"
The application for membership is to be made in writing to the GPM Secretariat "
See =
" As a GPM Mayor, you have the opportunity to connect with your fellow mayors and colleagues through the exclusive Virtual Platform. This state of the art participation tool allows you to discuss, collaborate and vote on decision points, action items and statements in a secured, online environment. Furthermore, the Platform features a Parliament View, providing an overview of all GPM Members and enabling you to see your colleagues’ decisions
See =
" The GPM very deliberately builds on the extraordinary work of a wide range of urban networks"
" The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) is the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are 1,408 such cities in the USA today
" EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities. Its members are the elected local and municipal governments of major European cities. EUROCITIES brings together the local governments of over 135 of Europe’s largest cities and over 45 partner cities, that between them govern 130 million citizens
across 39 countries"
" European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS) under the auspices of the Council of Europe.
" EFUS is the only European network of local and regional authorities dedicated to urban security. It includes nearly 250 local and regional authorities from 16 countries. Its objectives are to promote a balanced vision of urban security, combining prevention, sanctions and social cohesion, to support local and regional authorities in the conception, implementation and evaluation of their local security policy and to help local elected officials get recognition for their role in the development and implementation of national and European policies.
" The International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN)
" Chicago Forum on Global Cities 2018 (June 6-8, Chicago)
" the influence of global cities and how they can solve pressing global challenges
" Smart Cities New York 2018 (May 8-10, Pier 36, NY)
bringing together a diverse global community of urban innovators to -;
"re-imagine the future for cities around the world."
See =
" The Global Parliament of Mayors is a governance body of, by and for mayors of all continents"
The Executive Committee is advised by the Advisory Committee consisting of experts from various fields, and is supported by the GPM Secretariat located in the City of The Hague, the Netherlands"
" Virtual meetings will also allow the GPM to present common, opt-in actions, which mayors can deliberate and decide on globally, and then implement locally"
" The GPM is about local government, based on the city’s right to self-government.
The GPM promotes collective city decision-making across national borders, addressing critical challenges that face humankind and creating better outcomes for all
" The GPM can and will draw on successfully implemented policies and activities by mayors around the world"
" Their track records will serve as guidance for national governments and international organizations, and manifest the decisive force of every individual mayor and of the GPM as a whole"
"As a -- "political body", -- the Global Parliament of Mayors claims the right not only to be involved, but to be (with others) agenda setters in supranational organizations
" The GPM will voice its opinions on global strategy setting through international governance bodies and gatherings including the United Nations Habitat III in Quito, COP 22 in Marrakech and the OECD Inclusive cities in Paris. Intervening in discussions at the UN, OECD, EU, APEC, ASEAN, G77 and other assemblies, it will promote the proposals and "demands" of mayors and create greater awareness of the crucial role cities play in our interdependent world"
" In the GPM, mayors will cooperate on critical issues such as climate change, refugee crises, pandemic disease, inequality and urban security, and will connect with experts in relevant fields and expert organizations around the world.
The GPM will build on the achievements of urban networks like UCLG, the US Conference of Mayors, C40 and others"
See =
" We agree to establish a GPM definition of inclusive and open cities, resisting gentrification and social exclusion".
" The GPM should provide an international stage to mayors worldwide to further their ethical and moral authority and leadership"
" Mayor leadership includes an educational responsibility, -- standing against intolerance and xenophobia, -- developing tools and campaigns for children, parents, schools, media and local stakeholders"
" Developing the capacities of city administration in intercultural competencies".
" Develop a local plan in order to create cohesion and common understanding to realise inclusiveness and to change the narrative around refugees and migrants in order to -; teach citizens to -- "accept" diversity
" We aim to maximize the voice and vote of local governments in the national and international institutions setting and implementing urban development agendas
" We commit to understand, support and participate in the development of devolution agendas, including advocating for greater fiscal powers and a fair share of revenues, by helping to build capacity of cities in transition and sharing best practices to strengthen the city empowerment movement"
" We call for the development of a charter outlining the minimal competencies and means for cities to be able to develop and implement policies (for example, the European Charter for Local Self-Governance for the Council of Europe)
" We will maximize the distinctive network power of the GPM by establishing NEW city-to-city connections, actively participating in existing city networks and subnational diplomacy initiatives on critical issues (currently climate change, migration, and urban security), and adding value by focusing on the distinctive action, governance, and empowerment agendas of the GPM; and encouraging and inviting concurrent convenings with the GPM whenever possible
" We stand in solidarity with mayors who defend the rights of their citizens and condemn the political persecution of mayors and suppression of civil rights in all parts of the world
See =
" The GPM wants to reach out to all the cities to join the priorities for inclusive and open cities
" This would also include mutual aid, city to city partnerships and a "global inclusion fund" to materially sustain policies in cities with less resources
" We pledge to promote policies, planning instruments and practices starting from the local context to enhance intercultural cohesion and social mix, "to resist socio-geographic segregation and Nationalist exclusive policies"
" Such policies include, but are not limited to -;
" Developing an inclusive labour market, -- economic leverages to welfare -- upward social mobility and fighting poverty
Specific polices to newcomers, migrants and refugees
" Intercultural and democratic urban vision transcending "communitarianism" =
( a theory or system of social organization based on small self-governing communities)
We agree that all cities will share their inclusive city programme with the GPM through the mayors platform
See =
" The GPM believes that cities have an obligation and right to act in the interest of their citizens and therefore advocates for the right to cities to self-governance and to act on critical issues impacting -- "humankind"
" As a governance body of, by and for mayors, the GPM believes that it can provide standing and a platform for a unified front of mayors and their cities to participate in setting and implementing "GLOBAL" urban development strategies"
" Attended by over 45 of our fellow mayors from more than 20 countries, the Annual Convening also provided the opportunity to announce the establishment of the GPM as an Association (i.e. a legal body). The new Executive and Advisory committees were also elected"
" Global Cities Award to Mayor Leoluca Orlando of Palermo, Italy for being vocal in encouraging the unhindered freedom of movement of migrants"
" We plan to utilise a virtual platform to offer increased interactivity for members, finalise our recruitment plan to add even more members to the GPM"
" Our marketing and communication strategies will also be finalised and will contribute to making our collective voices that much more prominent. Furthermore, our Action Plan highlights specific activities as related to our focal points, namely global representation; global voice and action; enhancing cooperation; and mobilisation"
The third Annual Summit is planned for "October 2018" in Bristol in the United Kingdom and will focus on solidifying the GPM’s governance structure in order to convene as a functioning parliament during the course of this year"
" We live in an uncertain, unstable world. However, I firmly believe that cities are the drivers of change.
Strong mayors drive solutions in their cities in ways that are more progressive, faster, and more targeted than those put forward at a national level"
See =
" The GPM is committed to improving resilience by enacting urban climate policies through a holistic and proactive approach that involves the city’s communities. By harnessing the efforts of other networks and creating partnerships between GPM cities, a common purpose is ensured"
" Promote a change in the perception of water - instead of it being a resource we actively combat, we must find a way to live with it in harmony"
" GPM statements 2017
GPM published several statements in 2017:
3 June GPM committed to meeting targets COP21
22 September GPM stands in solidarity with the Mayor of El Hatillo Caracas, Venezuela
14 November GPM stands in solidarity with targets COP23
27 November GPM calls for moratorium on death penalty in cities
4 December GPM calls for protection and empowerment of migrant children (published together with UNICEF)
6 December GPM supports cities advocating for the UN Global Compact on Climate Change and MIGRATION."
" When nation-states like the US default on their sovereign responsibilities to protect current and future citizens, cities have an obligation to step up. There are signs that cities around the world are finding their voice. Within days of the US exiting from Paris Climate Agreement, more than 385 "climate mayors" representing 68 million Americans re-affirmed their commitment to key targets. Meanwhile, in Europe, over 7,500 cities endorsed a Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. This translates into 250 million Europeans committed to reducing CO2 emissions by at least 40% before 2030"
See =
" Malmö, 3 May 2018 –
GPM Executive Committee Mayors Orlando (Palermo, Italy) and Rees (Bristol, UK) represented the Global Parliament of Mayors in the panel ‘If Mayors ruled the World’ at the Safe not Silent 2018 ICORN General Assembly in Malmö (Sweden)
The panel is organised in cooperation with ICORN and discusses -;
"how cities can make a difference for human rights"
in Bristol (UK), from 21-23 October --- 2018
#WTO #IMF #WBC #G20 --These in turn use the Second tier as #Premise = #UNHRC #UNCCC #UNOOSA Next 169 Depts are #Operating arms -- Govts #AIM = Eliminate Nation States for #UN = #FACT
"To #CONTROL the OUTCOME of #UN Mandates in OZ
1 = Eliminate Abbott 2 = Change Population via #UNHRC 3 = House Population increase via #SmartCities = 10 Million Each 4 = Run Cities via #GMP #AIM = Force #Climate Change & Migration WITHOUT Public knowledge OR Consent = #FACT"
The FOLLOWING is a Time Line of Actions that are leading up to the TAKEOVER of Australia at a Mayoral Level that seeks to IGNORE the Nation State Rule of Law for THEIR Own Benefit.
"That is all well & good -- BUT -; "What PROOF is there to back this assertion" ??
To ANSWER that QUESTION -; Follow the Actions by DATE to see a CLEAR Direction & Outcome of Staged Events PLUS --- WHO is actually behind that Direction.
See =
"January 2013 = Dr. Benjamin Barber’s book, “If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities” introduces the idea of a global governance platform for cities"
"June 2013 = WHY Mayors should Rule the World.
"October 2013 = A second formal discussion about the creation of a GPM takes place in New York City, under the auspices of Michael Bloomberg’s CityLab"
November 2013 = Mayor Park Won-Soon and CityNet host a meeting to discuss the idea of creating a Global Parliament of Mayors
September 2014 = Hosted by the Dutch G4 Mayors in Amsterdam, 30 cities and over 50 urban and governance experts joined in a vote of confidence for the GPM Project"
Original = SEPT -- 2014 = Lord Monckton states UN & Left will have Tony Abbott Removed as Prime Minister of Australia & Replaced by Malcolm Turnbull in conjunction with the UN.
See =
MAY -- 2015
"Climate change is a hoax led by the United Nations so that it can end democracy and impose authoritarian rule, according to Prime Minister Tony Abbott's chief business adviser" --- "Maurice Newman, the chairman of the Prime Minister's business advisory council, has written in The Australian that scientific modelling showing the link between humans and climate change is wrong and the real agenda is a world takeover for the UN"
"Mr Newman's column was written to coincide with an Australian visit by the head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres"
Mr Newman continued that global warming was a "hook" to install a new world order. Figueres is on record saying democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model," he said.
"Labor's environment spokesman Mark Butler was asked whether the opposition thought Mr Newman should stand down.
I've never been particularly clear why Maurice Newman holds the position he does hold given how central climate change is to the future economic prosperity of Australia," Mr Butler said"
"Mr Hunt said the government's approach was to work constructively with all international parties.
I met this week with Christiana Figueres. Our goal is to be part of a constructive post- 2020 agreement," Mr Hunt said
See =
Climate Change in Four Steps = Christiana Figueres
See =
About =
See =
ATTENTION = About -- Christiana Figueres
"Anybody have any problem with UN climate chief Christiana Figueres' ties to companies with financial interest in the climate scam?
"Christiana Figueres has not only been active in the public arena and in the field of NGOs, she also collaborates actively with private sector companies that align themselves with climate friendly goals. Ms. Figueres served as Senior Adviser to C-Quest Capital, a carbon finance company focusing on programmatic CDM investments.[35] She was the Principal Climate Change Advisor to ENDESA Latinoamérica, the largest private utility in Latin America with operations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. She was also Vice Chair of the Rating Committee of the Carbon Rating Agency, the first entity to apply credit rating expertise to carbon assets
See =
"Innumerate, Gore-trained UN climate hoax chief Christiana Figueres:
Why can't the US be more like China, which only increased its CO2 emissions by 171% since the year 2000?
"Here is how Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary of the U..N Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which holds this annual global climate conference, put it to ABC news today here"
"The tragedy of the position that the U.S. is taking is that not only does it act here in a way that is not particularly ambitious, but the more tragic part about it is the U.S. is cutting off its possibilities to be a leader in this field, to be a leader in green technology [and thus] to create jobs. … The U.S. is losing leadership to China
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December 2015 = Mayor Jozias van Aartsen and Dr. Benjamin Barber sign a letter of agreement, naming The Hague as Host of the GPM Inaugural Convening"
"September 2016 = The Inaugural Convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors in The Hague, Netherlands."
December 1, 2016 = The former UN climate chief -- Christiana Figueres -- was announced as the vice chair of the new Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy.
It is expected she will play a key role in running the coalition of more than 7000 Mayors.
"September 2017 = 2nd Annual Convening ‘A Governance Revolution Empowering Cities’ in Stavanger (Norway).Establishment of the formal GPM Association as a legal body."
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"September 2017 = Former United Nations climate chief, Christiana Figueres has advice for PM Turnbull when she said AGL's Liddell power station is a "grandmother" plant that shouldn't receive funds more usefully invested elsewhere to improve Australia's energy prospects. Ms Figueres, who as executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change oversaw the Paris climate agreement, said time is running out for Australia to get its energy and carbon policies in order".
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"February 26 -- 2018 = C40's 2nd annual Women4Climate conference will bring together global mayors, business leaders and innovative changemakers who are committed to taking climate action and creating more sustainable and inclusive communities. In Mexico City, it will be clear that when it comes to climate action, the future is female
"March 2018 = Global Mayors Summit on CLIMATE
"Summit was a key opportunity for mayors from around the world to discuss the critical next steps for creating integrated city climate strategies for Climate Change
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"March 2018 = The CitiesIPCC Cities and Climate Change Science
Conference aims to inspire the next frontier of research focused on the science of cities and climate change
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"May 8-10, 2018 = Smart Cities New York Pier 36, NY)
bringing together a diverse global community of urban innovators to -;
"re-imagine the future for cities around the world."
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"June 2018 = Chicago Council on Global Affairs
See = information still being developed.
"October 2018 = Annual Summit will take place in Bristol, UK and start on Sunday October 21st and end on Tuesday October 23rd, around 16.00 hrs"
"The focus will be on empowering cities discussing key global challenges as inclusive cities, safe cities, innovative cities, equal cities and prepared cities, and how local action can support international and national policy and advocate for cities to be formally represented in international frameworks"
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In 2013 the idea of a Global structure to support Climate Change + UNHRC + Migration + other UN mandates like the Sustainable Development Goals was announced.
This manifested into a structure called the Global Mayors Parliament
The UN wanted to establish the Paris Accord with Global Countries but Australia's PM at the time was not convinced it was a viable position or actually correct.
Warning was given 10 months before about the possible "removal" of the PM by forces who were pushing both Climate & Immigration. His successor was named in that Warning.
Ten months later Australia's PM was removed & replaced with the exact person who was suggested.
The New PM is a supporter of the UN mandates & the Climate cabal.
He replaced a PM who was NOT Climate supporter.
The person who orchestrated the Paris Accord then became the Vice Chair of Global Mayors & subsequently met the New PM in Sydney.
Smart Cities was proposed as a Government Idea but in reality it is a UN mandate.
The QUESTION that arises is -; "WHY have Countries sign to a Global Agreement BUT then instigate a Local format to deliver the same manifesto". ??
The only reason that makes sense is -; "to Control the Country at the Grass Roots Level via Mayors PLUS Councils PLUS various Corporate entities -- by circumventing both State & Federal Governments in the event of Political Change".
To secure that footing would require a Legal Entity.
During 2018, the GMP has become a Legal entity with a proposed Parliament to be instigated on a Global Format in October 2018.
Today there are now 26 Cities in Australia that have signed to the Global Mayors Parliament.
Politicians continue to DENY this incursion is happening. even though PROOF has been supplied to many of them.
The RESULT is -; Australia is being taken over by stealth "with" Politicians knowledge & the General Public has been kept in the dark with NO knowledge of constructed events --- until Now.
WAKEUP -- Your Country is being TAKEN
Section TWO to this Article is -; "ELIMINATION of SOVEREIGNTY" & can be read
Here =
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