Clarioskin Project = (5) "AUSTRALIAN TAKEOVER"

"WAKEUP --- YOUR Country is Being TAKEN"  

And so it has begun -; "WAR of ATTRITION"
The Siege of OZ is escalating with most people being oblivious to such an incursion.
YES -; Australia is being changed & Invaded by those people who want Globalization under the construct of a centralized One World Government by using Cultural Marxism under a Socialist Platform to instigate the adoption of Foreign Mandates.
This means the DESTRUCTION of  the Nation State who operate under Sovereignty and the purpose of International Law under Westphalian.
Australia is a PRIME Candidate for this incursion because it does NOT operate under the construct of Australian Sovereignty Law, -- despite what you have been told OR led to believe.
Some Politicians & Councilors & members of the Public have stated that such claims are nothing but "Conspiracy Theory" -- Put succinctly -; They are WRONG.
Proof is everywhere if you care to look beyond the obvious.
In short -; "Australia is being TAKEN by Foreign Mandates orchestrated by Politicians.
And Now -- Medium & Big Business under the Same Mandates.

So What is the SITUATION ??
Globalists using the United Nations framework are attempting to construct a New Global Governance Agenda by "Changing" the established confines of Western Culture that has existed for Hundreds of Years under the Westphalian.
You see it every day in How the language is changing, the reductions in Personal Freedom & choice, the growth of abuse in Power, the Loss of Cultural Identity & the increased rhetoric of slanderized terms such as Nazi, Intolerant, Racist, bigot, etc.
All this & much more in a Country that was BUILT on Egalitarian Principals, where many fought AGAINST such identity tags & regimes.
Yet here we are, where Minorities are using False Rhetoric, spread by Foreign Mandates that are designed to dominate the majority of Australians in order to "FRACTURE" the Host Country who operates under the premise of Westphalian.
So what is Westphalian ??
See =

Lets see HOW the World is Changing & What IMPACTS occur in Australia.
In Clarioskin Project Part (1) = you saw the World was changing along PC lines
See = 1 =

In Part (2) = The UN has a myriad of Agencies World Wide
See = 2 =

In Part (3) =The Emergence of Tyranny & the 10 Deliverance Protocols
See = 3 =

In Part (4) = PROOF the Global Mayors is Real
See = 4 =

In Part (4--A) = Direction & Takeover by the Global Mayors & the UN connection.
See = 4—A =

In this Exposure -; Part (5) = "Highlights the Reasons & Scope of Application that justifies the claim made about -; Your Life & Future is being TAKEN right in front of you" .

From Part (6) onwards, you will see HOW it Impacts on various Categories that when combined WILL actually Change Your Future for the WORSE.

Unless YOU make a continuous stand AGAINST this "INVASION" then Your Future will be at the Ownership & decision of Foreign Mandates from another Country at THEIR Whim & YOU will have absolutely NO Choice in the Matter at ANY Level.
QUESTION -; "Is that How You want to live ?? -- Is that the Future You want for your Family ??"

"However -; Let's look at some aspects of REALITY of claim before giving any type of credence to the thought of "The Sky is Falling"
In 1992, the United Nations, in an attempt to justify their relevance to an emerging Millennium, introduced a New Document entitled -; "UN Conference on Environment & Development - 1992"
Invited to the UNCED conference in Rio de Janeiro were 108 Heads of States.
The AIM -; "to provide a sustainable development as an ALTERNATIVE to Economic Growth"
The Summit’s message — "that nothing less than a total transformation of our attitudes and behaviour would bring about the necessary changes"
See =

BUT the UN Charter says this -;
ARTICLE (2) - 1 - "The Organization is based on the principle of the "Sovereign" equality of all its Members"
See =

WHOA -- Wait a minute -- That can't be right -- Can it ??
The FIRST Point -; The UN is advocating a -; "Total Change of Attitude & Behaviour by using Sustainable Development as an ALTERNATIVE to Economic Growth"
The SECOND Point -; "based on the principle of the Sovereign equality"
How can two Diametrically Opposite Positions be favoured by the SAME Organization ??
Either you support "Sovereignty" OR You support "nothing less than a total transformation" 
A bob each way does NOT work while you are trying to FORCE the World to adopt a set of Principals that are based on Flawed Utopian constructs within a hollow Framework.
UNLESS -; Your Aim is to "DIVIDE & CONQUER"
THEN --  it makes sense to "Fragment" the entire Global position by using a Socialist Construct to allow People to believe that such a move is helping Humanity be better off, especially in the areas of Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Immigrants.
Consider -;
"United Nations General Assembly has confirmed a nominee with a background in socialist politics and refugee matters to be the organization’s new secretary-general"
See =

So -; Change the Country, Change the Economy, Change the Behaviour, Change the Attitudes, because a FOREIGN Entity said So.
Thus a Labor Government instigated their THIRD Position to Change Australia by using a FOREIGN Institution to deliver THEIR Regime Change.

In recent times, the Socialist Left have expanded, including groups like the Socialist Alliance,
whose stated aim is -;
 "to replace the capitalist system through a “sustained mass campaign of total opposition
In one arena, they came to light with several other Groups.

"But is that just isolated ??
READ the following & make up your own mind whether such actions are warranted OR are actually a DELIBERATE response to "destabilize" a particular arena
Especially in light of this -;
"Our response was, 'what anti-racism rally'? We didn't know anything about it"
BUT this -; "online posts said that the Moreland Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton was one of the rally organisers" 
See =

So what is the current situation & what direction is being instigated ??
The previous Parts of these Expos'es show the combining elements of what is involved in the loss of Australian Culture & Sovereignty where the path leads to an overall Vision of Application.
The UN is quite clearly operating in a "Socialist" manner - where within the Political arena - the Left side of Politics is forcing the Agenda of Fragmentation.
This is being expressed in terms of "Cultural Divide" under the UNHRC to force the Agenda of "Regular Migration" that is driven by "Economic Divide" that manifests itself in the arenas of the UN "Sustainable Development Goals".

To further the SDG agenda's, the UN has adopted "Principal" Goals.
This is based on Corporate Sustainability which "meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour & environment
Consisting of 10 Principals, they pave the way for the Business World to actively engage with the United Nations to foster & implement the UN mandates.
See =
This is from their site -;
"The UN Global Compact’s multi-year strategy to drive business awareness and action in support of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030
See =

PLUS this -;
"In September 2015, all 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted a plan
At the heart of “Agenda 2030” are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which clearly define the world we want — applying to all nations" 
"The new Global Goals result from a process that has been more inclusive than ever, with Governments involving business, civil society and citizens from the outset. 
We are all in agreement on where the world needs to go
Fulfilling these ambitions will take an unprecedented effort by all sectors in society — and business has to play a very important role in the process
" all companies can contribute to the SDGs
"The UN Global Compact asks companies to first do business responsibly and then pursue opportunities to solve societal challenges
"For companies wanting to advance the SDG agenda, the job starts by acting responsibly – incorporating the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles widely into strategies and operations

QUESTION = Were You Consulted - OR - Did You VOTE for ANY of these Structures ?? 

"To move from awareness to action, the UN Global Compact offers participants an extensive toolbox including next-generation solutions platforms, an online UN Business Action Hub and resources that will help your business take action to achieve the SDGs". 

"As countries establish and enact national plans for achieving the SDGs, the Global Compact’s Local Networks in over 85 countries provide the platform for business to engage with stakeholders from Government, the UN, civil society
See =

As an example -; The UN "SmartCities" agenda, --- which is NOT the PM's Plan.
"The United Smart Cities program was jointly initiated by UNECE and other industrial partners. Key areas are urban mobility, sustainable housing, clean energy, waste management and ICT
Its objectives are as follows: 
a) Decrease vulnerability of cities to urban migration, demographic changes, environmental degradation and climate change 
b) Reduce carbon footprint of cities 
c) Enhance the quality of life for inhabitants 
d) Improve the environmental quality of the cities 
e) Establish public-private partnerships (PPPs)
"The program aims to examine the concept of a smart city in different geographical contexts, develop and establish Smart City indicators, establish partnership and cooperation for action, promote exchange of best practices and knowledge transfer on sustainable urban development, including “smart cities” and scale up the concept of smart cities and create a multiplier effect.
See =

Several Points need to be considered regarding the above "objectives", especially in the areas of "Migration" & the "scale-up Multiplier effect"
The UN Document -; "MIGRATION is a Form of Development" centeres around this -;
"The technical paper provides the latest evidence on the linkages between international migration and development -- 
The paper examines the relationship between informal labour markets and international migration by providing legal pathways to migrants"

That being THEIR Agenda -- Consider this -;
1 = Is the Australian Government involved by "assisting" this Foreign Mandate ??
2 = Were you Consulted BEFOREHAND in this Move toward UN Mandate of Smart Cities ??
3 = Have you been "Mislead" to believe this concept is the Australian Government Plan. ??

1 = The $50 million Smart Cities and Suburbs Program is supporting the delivery of innovative smart city projects that improve the livability, productivity and sustainability of cities and towns across Australia
(Australian Govt of -; IRDC) 
See = 

2 = On Tuesday 30 May 2017 The Hon Darren Chester MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, asked the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities, to conduct an Inquiry into the Australian Government’s role in the development of cities
See =

3 = On 29 April 2016, the Australian Government launched its Smart Cities Plan. 
"The Smart Cities Plan will help build an agile, innovative and prosperous nation" 
Our future prosperity depends upon government, business and the Australian community working together to support our cities, big and small."
See =

QUESTION = How can you have any type of Inquiry about the idea of Smart Cities a Year AFTER it was Launched ?? 

"WHAT is the OVERVIEW" ??
You can NOW see that the United Nations is implementing a Global Change of Society & Governments via the breakdown of Nation States by using THEIR formats of -;
UNHRC, UNCED, IMF, G20, WTO, WB, WEF, Smart Cities, Global Mayors & over a Hundred other Agencies to implement its Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals into Australia which also include The Paris Accord for Climate Change PLUS the New position of -;
"REGULAR Migration"

What is also coming is -;
"The Freedom of Global Migrant Children who MUST be given the Same Rights & Privileges as Host Country Children under ALL aspects, including Legal Representation"

You have NOT been given ANY Choice in ANY of the above 
In Short -; This is the  Doctrine of Foreign Mandates for -;
 One World Government.
"Your Voice -- Your Vote -- Your Future is Now at Stake like NEVER before in History".

Australia pays in excess of $ 600 Million to the United Nations Plus more Money for other specialist Programs around the World including -;
"SYDNEY • Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced an A$30 million (S$30.5 million) investment fund to support "smart cities" in South-east Asian countries" 

Now via the Global Mayors Membership & Levies, ordinary Householders & Businesses will be "PAYING" a Percentage of the combined Income to the GMP & ultimately to the UN.
WHY ??
Because THEY said So.

Politicians in EVERY State who are "supposed" to be YOUR representatives in Government
have NOT objected OR complained OR stood AGAINST ANY of these Incursions.
WHAT  Does  THAT  Say ??

Akarnious -; has ACTIVELY proposed both Solutions & Remedies to highlight these Issues.
        You the Australians can NOT Remain SILENT anymore

Structure the NEED by Adding YOUR Solutions & Remedies to -; 


Right  in  FRONT  of  You

United  Nations
by  using  these
UNCEB – Paris Accord – SDG
to  implement these
With Help of
Federal – State – Local
Run  by

ALL at YOUR Financial – Social – Cultural - Country COST 
WAKEUP - ACT  NOW - OR Lose Australia "FOREVER" 



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