The Clarioskin Project = (3) -; OVERVIEW

This is an Overview of what is & has happened to the Australian Lifestyle & Country as a Whole.
READ Carefully & you WILL see HOW you have had Your Views DISTORTED in order to comply with a carefully laid out plan of Incursion into Australia & YOUR Future.
The Political & Lawful Protections you thought you had are being stripped away by the very people you put in Power to PROTECT Your Interests & Future.
The HARMFUL Reality is = You did NOT Vote for ANY of the Following
Australia & Your Future is being TAKEN from you while you are DAILY treated like Mushrooms.

From the Clarioskin Project of Number 1 & 2, you now know that the "warm & fuzzy" terms for humanity's future are distorted terms designed to elicit YOUR natural instincts to help people.
A pretty low blow to say the least.
However, --- You may not be convinced of the veracity of claim against such Distortion.
Therefore, --- Consider the following Actions that are ALREADY Impacting upon your Life & that of your family PLUS the direction of YOUR Future & whether YOU have a say in it at All.

Your Future is about to be determined by "Foreign Mandates" for their Benefit at YOUR Cost
ALL Politicians from ALP - LNP - Greens are fostering this position.
NONE of them have told you the REAL Truth.
In fact -; They have DELIBERATELY Lied & Mislead you.
The IMPACT upon You & Your Family to determine YOUR Future will be akin to -;
"Do this -- Do that -- OR -- Suffer Retribution because We in a far off Country Say So"
The Australian Law of the Land will be No More.
What you have been led to believe is True -- is NOTHING but MANIPULATION Tactics
You are being FOOLED.
Your Personally Chosen Future is NOW at SERIOUS RISK of TOTAL Obliteration.

BUT -- HOW Can that be Possible ??

DELIVERANCE  PROTOCOLS --- (Link these with corresponding "REFERENCE" from below)
First      = they Scare you                  = You are causing the Planet irreparable Harm
Second = they make you feel sorry  = Third World Countries & babies are Suffering
Third    = They take your Money     = Govts MUST Donate BILLIONS of Dollars to Help
Fourth  = They take your Voice       = Sign this Global Declaration of Compliance for Humanity.
Fifth     = They Change Your Living Standards = You have too much while others have too little
Sixth    = They change YOUR View = Equality MUST be Inclusive
Seventh = They Change Your Laws  = Fairness is a Right
Eighth   = They Change Your income Status = FTA & Economic Compliance for Equality is good
Ninth    = They Change Where You Live = The Environment is Precious
Tenth    = They Change How you live = Nation States are no longer able to fix the Problems

The vehicles of "REFERENCE" for the above are
1 = Global Warming, 2 = UNHRC, 3 = % of GDP, 4 = Paris Climate Accord, 5 = Global Migration,
6 = UNSDG, 7 = Inclusive Social Development Law, 8 = WTO - IMF - WB - WEF - G20,
9 = Smart Cities, 10 = GMP,

The above Protocols are DELIBERATELY Designed to UNDERMINE Australia's Cultural position
Put in a succinct manner - This is Nothing Short of -; "One World Government" where you have NO Say OR Choice OR Ability to live YOUR Life in hard won sacrifice for Liberty & Freedom
You WILL be a Slave to the "FOREIGN" System which is what past generations fought & died to PROTECT future generations from enduring.
You have been led to believe such actions are "Global Conspiracy Theory"
As you can clearly see -; That term is a FALLACY. -- Those actions are Real
YOU have been DELIBERATELY "LIED" to PLUS Manipulated to deliver FOREIGN Mandates.
Decide NOW to Make a Stand AGAINST this Deliberate TYRANNY of -;
(Political Industrial Economic Cultural Environmental Social Future Lifestyle) Levels.
Time is FAST Running Out.
Your FUTURE  & that of Australia & Your Home DEPENDS  on YOUR Actions
Either YOU are FOR Australia & Your Future Security -- OR -- YOU are AGAINST it.
There is NO Other Possible Position.

So you are Still NOT convinced that the Days of   TYRANNY  are here -----,
What does Tyranny actually mean ??
"oppressive government or rule -- unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control -- (ancient Greece) rule by one who has absolute power without legal right 
late Middle English: from Old French tyrannie, from late Latin tyrannia, from Latin turannus (see tyrant)."
FURTHER -; synonyms   absolutismabsolutepower, autocracydictatorship,    undemocratic rule,  totalitarianismFascism; 

oppressionsuppressionrepressionsubjugationenslavement A

uthoritarianism, high handedness, imperiousness 
: Antonyms (a word OPPOSITE to the Meaning of use) = democracyliberality

Therefore -; TYRANNY means -;
"Arbitrary use of Power OR Control without Legal Right that is based on "Undemocratic Rule" plus "Fascism" and "Authoritarianism"
PLUS -; It is AGAINST -; "Democracy & Liberality".

"Tyranny Law and Legal Definition. 
"Tyranny is a form of government rule which is characterized by violation of those laws which regulate the division & the exercises of the -; 
"Sovereign Power of the State"

OK -- That is all well & Good BUT to put this in a Succinct level -- let's look at the individual points & see what REALLY is the end Result

"Arbitrary" = A Ruling Body that is "unrestrained" & Autocratic in the use of Authority.
This Describes the UN body of Agencies that seek to RULE the Western World for their own benefit & Survival.
They have NO Oversight which means they are "unrestrained"

"Power OR Control without Legal Right" = The UN Expects & Demands that Nation States under Sovereignty (which is the Westphalian system of International Law) to totally agree & enact their mandates across a myriad of Declarations & resolutions
The Australian People did NOT Vote at ANY Level for the Implementation of the UN Global Mandate suite of Agencies.
The UN seek to influence Politicians to do their Bidding at ALL Levels.
In Reality -; They have NO Legal Right to enforce Power OR Control.

"Undemocratic Rule" -; Decision that is controlled or made by one person or a small number of people, rather than by all the people involved.
The Determination of Solution by the Majority of People was NOT sort OR considered.
Also -- Public Representatives in the form of Politicians &/OR Governments does NOT constitute a Majority of acceptance across ANY Proposal.
Given that NO Vote OR Acquiescence of ANY Kind actually occurred, one must ask -;
"HOW can the premise of "Undemocratic Rule" actually exist OR have any weight in Law. ??

"Fascism" = is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people. The term comes from the Latin fascio, meaning “bundle, or political group" 
The UN Foreign Mandates, -- by their own Wording & Actions --- seek to do EXACTLY that Position. across the World.

"Authoritarianism" = the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
The above "Positions & Directions" of the TEN Points of Acquiescence by Foreign Mandate that are based on CHANGING the ability & Construct of the host Nation & People so that they comply & adopt the mandates & resolutions that are levied upon them are PROVEN under this point as well.
Your Personal Freedom MUST be negated in preference to their mandates

"Democracy & Liberality" are NOT any part of the foundations of Impact by the UN.
They are DEMONSTRABLY  figments of Illusion that are based on Distortion, in order to instigate Foreign Protocols via the Political arena PLUS the Corporate arena in order to convince the General Public to agree & change for the benefit of the proposers.

OUTCOME = "Unrestrained with NO Legal Rights based on Undemocratic Rule that seeks total control of the People at the expense of Personal Freedom by using Figments of Illusion that are based on Distortion".

Therefore -; Ask Yourself -- Do the Actions of Foreign Mandates & Resolutions -- constitute the Protocols that PROVE the "STRUCTURE of TYRANNY" is absolutely REAL ??

The ONLY Answer is "YES".

The Following breakdowns CONFIRM that the Foreign Mandate to FORCE Change into Australia WITHOUT the Consent OR Voting from the General Public for the Benefit of Foreign Actors is both TRUE & REAL in Operation.

"Reference (1) = GLOBAL  WARMING 
"Global Warming = Biggest Frauid in History
See =

"Reference (2) = UNHRC 
"2006 = UN General Assembly Establishes "New" Human Rights Council = UNHRC 
See =

"Reference (3) = %GDP 
"2004 to 2006, with a regular budget of US$22.9 million, peacekeeping costs of approximately US$60 million & over US$4 million contribution to International Tribunals
"2017/18 = Australia Paid -; $ 56, 805, 263
See =
"2018/19 = Australia Pays 2.337 % @ $65 Million just for UN Budget ONLY
See =
"Australia’s official development assistance delivered through UN agencies in 2013-14 was more than $601 million; with $94.4 million going to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and $109.2 going to the United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
See =

"Reference (4) = PARIS  CLIMATE  ACCORD 
"April 21 -- 2018 = Vast majority of Australia’s 50 top superannuation funds are regularly voting AGAINST climate action 
See =
"April 23 -- 2016 = Australia Signs Paris Agreement on Climate Change to cut emissions by 28%
Malcolm Turnbull
"Dept of Energy = Australian Govt
"Global climate agreement was agreed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris (30 November to 12 December 2015)
See =
"Political Environment Policy
See =
"March 17 -- 2015 = PM Tony Abbott does NOT believe in Climate Change
"his infamous “climate science is crap” comments, made to a regional Victorian audience back in September 2009
"The government – despite its scrapping of the carbon tax, its refusal to send a minister to the Warsaw climate talks, its continued efforts to slash the renewable energy target, its closure of the Climate Council, its attempts to close the Climate Change Authority, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency & the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, its initial refusal to invest in the Green Climate Fund, the virtual eradication of the words “climate change” from the Intergenerational Report, the effective banning of the words “cleantech” & cutting back of climate research  – insists it does accept science of climate change
See =

"Reference (5) = GLOBAL  MIGRATION
"UN International Migration Report says -;
"There are now an estimated 258 million people living in a country other than their country of birth — an increase of 49% since 2000 according to new figures released by UN DESA"
The number of migrants as a fraction of the population residing in high-income countries rose from 9.6% in 2000 to 14% in 2017"
"International migration is a critical concern for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. On 19 September 2016, the General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, in which UN Member States agreed to implement well-managed migration policies. They also committed to sharing more equitably the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees, protecting the human rights of all migrants, and countering xenophobia and intolerance directed towards migrants. An international conference on migration will be convened in late 2018 for the purpose of adopting a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
See =

"Australia's Statements of Application
See =
"Partnerships & Commitments
See =
Australian Government for UNSDG
"25 September 2015 the Hon Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, joined 193 Leaders and Ministers from across the globe at the United Nations in New York, to welcome and endorse the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda).
"Australia actively participated in international discussions to design the 2030 Agenda and supported the involvement of all development actors, including civil society organisations, the private sector, philanthropic organisations and academia." 


See =

"May 10 2018
"Enhancing Inclusive Social Development
" United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty, as set by the UN General Assembly for the years 2018 to 2027."
See =
Australian Human Right Commission @ Disabilities = 1 in 6 Nationally 
This Issues Paper sets out the context for the National Inquiry into Employment and Disability. It includes some of the recently available statistics regarding the employment of people with disabilities in Australia"
"Almost 20 per cent of Australians have a disability (3.96 million people). This proportion is increasing, particularly as the population ages
See =
"Realizing the Rights of People with Disabilities = 1 in 11 Globally 
See =

"Reference (8) = WTO - IMF - WB - WEF - G20 
"WTO = In 1992 the UN Earth Summit was the start of building a Global Control Platform
See =
One of the next Pieces to this Monolith was WTO in 1995 whose Aim was to Control Global Trade Rules & Outcomes based on 60 Agreements over 550 Pages that were established by 1994. These are continually added to with the emphasis on Funding Third World Countries
See =
See =

Reference (9) = SMART  CITIES 
"Another LIE by Politician" to HIDE another FOREIGN Mandate 
"PM Turnbull announced "His" Plan to develop "Smart Cities" for Australia's Future
"Fri APRIL 29 -- 2016 = The Prime Minister Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP today released the Commonwealth’s Smart Cities Plan, to deliver jobs closer to homes, more affordable housing, better transport connections and healthy environments. The Plan was launched at a Cities Summit in Melbourne. Governments, businesses and the Australian community must work together to transition our economy to be led by innovation"
See =
That program is a UN Mandate for Control of Cities World Wide
See =
"The United Smart Cities program was jointly initiated by UNECE and other industrial partners. Key areas are urban mobility, sustainable housing, clean energy, waste management and ICT. Its objectives are as follows: a) Decrease vulnerability of cities to urban migration, demographic changes, environmental degradation and climate change b) Reduce carbon footprint of cities c) Enhance the quality of life for inhabitants d) Improve the environmental quality of the cities e) Establish public-private partnerships (PPPs)
Now he is Spending $30 Million More
"March 18 -- 2018 = SYDNEY • Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced an A$30 million (S$30.5 million) investment fund to support "smart cities" in South-east Asian countries, as he hosts Asean leaders for a special summit in Sydney."
See =
In Addition there is this -;
"The United Smart Cities program is a global initiative, established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in cooperation with the Organization for International Economic Relations (OiER) and other international organizations, cities, industry and finance sector
See =

QUESTION = Did you VOTE for this TAKEOVER ?? = NO 
QUESTION = Were you told about this PRIOR to May 2018 ?? = NO
"HOW are these Cities going to be Run ??
Both State & Federal Governments will NOT be involved
The Ramifications are -; Your VOTES & CHOICES will NO Longer be Valid OR Needed.
You will have been Successfully SILENCED
"November 2013Mayor Park Won-Soon and CityNet host a meeting to discuss the idea of creating a Global Parliament of Mayors
"September 2014Hosted by the Dutch G4 Mayors in Amsterdam, 30 cities and over 50 urban and governance experts joined in a vote of confidence for the GPM Projec
"December 2015 Mayor Jozias van Aartsen and Dr. Benjamin Barber sign a letter of agreement, naming The Hague as Host of the GPM Inaugural Convening" 
"September 2016The Inaugural Convening of the Global Parliament of Mayors in The Hague, Netherlands." 
"September 20172nd Annual Convening ‘A Governance Revolution Empowering Cities’ in Stavanger (Norway). Establishment of the formal GPM Association as a legal body." 
See =

"Coming Soon = "The Clarioskin Project (4) = GMP 
EXPOSING the Structure that WILL take Your FUTURE -- UNLESS You ACT --- NOW

"Article Five = "Equality & Non Discrimination
See =
"1. States Parties recognize that all persons are equal before and under the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law" 
"2. States Parties shall prohibit all discrimination on the basis of disability and guarantee to persons with disabilities equal and effective legal protection against discrimination on all grounds" 
"3. In order to promote equality and eliminate discrimination, States Parties shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided" 
"4. Specific measures which are necessary to accelerate or achieve de facto equality of persons with disabilities shall not be considered discrimination under the terms of the present Convention" 

Implementing Treaties in Australian Law
For example, there is no national legislation that implements our obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Australia has announced that it considers the rights protected by the ICESCR to be adequately protected under existing Australian law, a claim disputed by some commentators. Australia has not effectively implemented the rights protected under the ICCPR
In 1986 the Australian Human Rights Commission was established in response to Australia having ratified the ICCPR in 1980
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