Politicians are meant to be the Peoples Representative in Parliament.
Part of that application is based on "TRUST" to look after the interests of Australians & be prudent with Tax Payers funds that are entrusted to Politicians in good faith.
However, one must ask if that Trust has been misplaced, especially given the following examples & relative information from various sources.
Further, the expanded FACT that Politicians continually deny the need for a Federal ICAC or some type of Oversight, actually speaks volumes.
One could argue that the Finance Department would hold sway on checks & balances but that is not the case. Similarly, the "Independent Parliamentary Entitlements System Review"
See = http://www.finance.gov.au/sites/default/files/independent-parliamentary-entitlements-system-review-feb-2016.pdf
should have formed some type of captive program for transgressions BUT that has all but been ignored by all sides of the Political Spectrum.
YOU, the General Australian Public, must come together to Right this Wrong.
Currently there are several people working on a Remedy for this issue.
Can You Afford NOT to be involved ??
Have Your say NOW so that issues like the following can be dealt with under an expedited Issue acceptance plan to instigate a Real SOVEREIGNTY Platform for Real REMEDY.
"It’s time Australia stopped being so generous with MPs’ expenses and made our politicians accountable to the public"
"The government has rejected calls for a national body similar to the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
"Federal politicians claimed more than $55m in six months:
Find out how much your local MP spent
"Among the latest figures on parliamentarians' entitlements published by the Finance Department was a $60,282.75 bill for "accommodation and meals" charged against former prime minister Tony Abbott between September 25 and 27 last year.
"MPs expenses scandal is growing increasingly fraught, but many politicians just dont understand what theyve done wrong as were repeatedly told it's within the rules. With their base salaries set at a world-leading $195,130, Australian MPs appear to have been dipping deeper into the public purse with their unaccountably high spending. The issue has exploded on to the national radar after Bronwyn Bishop’s departure as Speaker following revelations about her $5227 taxpayer-funded helicopter ride"
See = http://www.news.com.au/national/politics/the-10-most-outrageous-things-pollies-have-spent-our-money-on/news-story/254c2cb0858b56fb89ed65f547bee3f0
"KEEN correspondent David Feeney, the Labor member for Batman, spent $152,125.33 in total on “office administrative costs” in 2014.
"Labor MP went to a Robbie Williams concert on taxpayer money
Read more at https://www.businessinsider.com.au/labor-mp-tony-burke-used-taxpayers-money-to-see-a-robbie-williams-concert-2015-8#fVgh2Oc0uVj4sUAa.99
"The Daily Telegraph revealed the then-environment minister also used taxpayers money to buy his family business-class airfares to Uluru in 2012.
Read more at https://www.businessinsider.com.au/labor-mp-tony-burke-used-taxpayers-money-to-see-a-robbie-williams-concert-2015-8#fVgh2Oc0uVj4sUAa.99
"LABOR frontbencher Tony Burke has slugged taxpayers close to $2.2 million for travel costs, including charter planes and flying on VIP jets
In total, the Sydney MP has claimed more than $4.6 million, or almost $60,000 a month, in taxpayer-funded expenses since July 2008"
See = http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/tony-burke-taxpayers-slugged-22-million-for-travel-costs-including-charter-flights-on-vip-jets/news-story/7172a21a2798b1d5cb933e21dfc88258#auspol
See =
See =
See =
See =
"Parliamentary allowances, salaries of office
and entitlements ---- Updated 5 October 2011
See = http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/BN/2011-2012/Parlrem
"Parliamentarians' Expenditure on Entitlements -
Period 1 July to 31 December 2014
"The information contained in the reports below is considered to be an accurate statement of payments made and receipts received by Finance, within the period 1 July to 31 December 2014. Expenditure against travel entitlements may not necessarily relate to travel actually undertaken during the period. This is due to the fact that travel accounts (payments and receipts) can be processed in a reporting period other than the one in which the travel takes place. The reasons may include advance bookings made and paid for in one period and used in a subsequent reporting period and re-crediting costs in a later period for a cancelled booking in an earlier period. Other entitlements may have similar accounting and processing procedures.
"Parliamentary remuneration and entitlements: 2016 update
"The issue of parliamentary salaries, allowances and entitlements continues to generate interest and comment. This research paper sets out major changes to the parliamentary remuneration and entitlements regime, including the authority and governing legislation and explains how different aspects of parliamentary remuneration and entitlements are regulated"
See = http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1516/ParlRem2016
Part of that application is based on "TRUST" to look after the interests of Australians & be prudent with Tax Payers funds that are entrusted to Politicians in good faith.
However, one must ask if that Trust has been misplaced, especially given the following examples & relative information from various sources.
Further, the expanded FACT that Politicians continually deny the need for a Federal ICAC or some type of Oversight, actually speaks volumes.
One could argue that the Finance Department would hold sway on checks & balances but that is not the case. Similarly, the "Independent Parliamentary Entitlements System Review"
See = http://www.finance.gov.au/sites/default/files/independent-parliamentary-entitlements-system-review-feb-2016.pdf
should have formed some type of captive program for transgressions BUT that has all but been ignored by all sides of the Political Spectrum.
YOU, the General Australian Public, must come together to Right this Wrong.
Currently there are several people working on a Remedy for this issue.
Can You Afford NOT to be involved ??
Have Your say NOW so that issues like the following can be dealt with under an expedited Issue acceptance plan to instigate a Real SOVEREIGNTY Platform for Real REMEDY.
"It’s time Australia stopped being so generous with MPs’ expenses and made our politicians accountable to the public"
"The government has rejected calls for a national body similar to the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said existing powers were strong enough after Labor MP Anne Aly yesterday told Sky News she supported a body that would investigate the dealings of federal politicians.
'We need to have a robust framework to fight corruption, which we do at a federal level,' Senator Cormann told Sky News.
'We don't believe that another bureaucracy is the way to go, we've just got to strengthen the existing frameworks,' he said
See = http://www.skynews.com.au/news/top-stories/2016/12/16/government-rejects-call-for-federal-icac.html"Federal politicians claimed more than $55m in six months:
Find out how much your local MP spent
"Among the latest figures on parliamentarians' entitlements published by the Finance Department was a $60,282.75 bill for "accommodation and meals" charged against former prime minister Tony Abbott between September 25 and 27 last year.
The expenses are listed as being for a trip to the United States, but Mr Abbott never got to make the journey after being removed as prime minister by his Liberal colleagues the week before. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop claimed the largest amount with a total of $808,649.49, more than half of which was for overseas travel in her ministerial role"
See = http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-02/federal-politicians-claimed-$55m-in-expenses-in-2015-documents/7809062"OUTRAGEOUS"
"MPs expenses scandal is growing increasingly fraught, but many politicians just dont understand what theyve done wrong as were repeatedly told it's within the rules. With their base salaries set at a world-leading $195,130, Australian MPs appear to have been dipping deeper into the public purse with their unaccountably high spending. The issue has exploded on to the national radar after Bronwyn Bishop’s departure as Speaker following revelations about her $5227 taxpayer-funded helicopter ride"
See = http://www.news.com.au/national/politics/the-10-most-outrageous-things-pollies-have-spent-our-money-on/news-story/254c2cb0858b56fb89ed65f547bee3f0
"KEEN correspondent David Feeney, the Labor member for Batman, spent $152,125.33 in total on “office administrative costs” in 2014.
The Shadow Minister for Justice blew almost $100,000 went on “printing and communications”, including $2225 on 40,000 personalised letterheads in October.
Feeney has a history of loving an old-fashioned missive. Before he became one of the “faceless men” who plotted Kevin Rudd’s overthrow in 2010, he complained to the then-prime minister about a 25 per cent cut to MPs’ printing allowances"
"RENOVATION shows are pretty addictive, and South Australian MP Tony Pasin must be even more devoted to The Block than us. He spent a record half a million dollars fitting out his Mount Gambier office, which must have some very special vintage wallpaper"
"Tax Payers funding spent more than $4.5 million on fit-outs and upgrades for more than 100 MPs and senators between July to December last year, nine costing more than $250,000. Jacqui Lambie’s Tassie office was second-priciest at $357,000
"The Lodge is currently being refurbished for an expected $8.8 million, and taxpayers previously shelled out $450,000 for Julia Gillard’s Adelaide office fit-out after she was deposed as PM"
"SCOTT Morrison also likes a stylish office, spending more than $200,000 on office facilities, plus $80,000 for Admin costs.
"Immigration Minister was at the centre of an uproar when it emerged the government had spent $330,000 on a room it had not used in the ten months since it had been refitted. The room, which was apparently intended for border protection media briefings, boasted an $800 doorknob and $10,000-a-month audio visual equipment, plus $30,000 rented stage lights"
"Peter Slipper won an appeal against three dishonesty convictions over reports he falsified records in order to claim $954 for taxi fares on winery visits.
He racked up more than $8000 on his parliamentary gold travel pass between July and December last year, two of the trips to Canberra coinciding with his court appearances"
"And the LIST just goes On & On & On -------"Labor MP went to a Robbie Williams concert on taxpayer money
Read more at https://www.businessinsider.com.au/labor-mp-tony-burke-used-taxpayers-money-to-see-a-robbie-williams-concert-2015-8#fVgh2Oc0uVj4sUAa.99
"The Daily Telegraph revealed the then-environment minister also used taxpayers money to buy his family business-class airfares to Uluru in 2012.
Such a trip can cost up to $6,500 — about four times as much as economy class. The expense was claimed as an entitlement under the family reunion scheme.
Yesterday The Australian reported on the MPs Uluru expenses, which allegedly totalled $12,780.74 but Burke declined to comment as to why he opted for business class over economy
Read more at https://www.businessinsider.com.au/labor-mp-tony-burke-used-taxpayers-money-to-see-a-robbie-williams-concert-2015-8#fVgh2Oc0uVj4sUAa.99
"LABOR frontbencher Tony Burke has slugged taxpayers close to $2.2 million for travel costs, including charter planes and flying on VIP jets
In total, the Sydney MP has claimed more than $4.6 million, or almost $60,000 a month, in taxpayer-funded expenses since July 2008"
See = http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/tony-burke-taxpayers-slugged-22-million-for-travel-costs-including-charter-flights-on-vip-jets/news-story/7172a21a2798b1d5cb933e21dfc88258#auspol
See =
See =
See =
See =
"Parliamentary allowances, salaries of office
and entitlements ---- Updated 5 October 2011
See = http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/BN/2011-2012/Parlrem
"Parliamentarians' Expenditure on Entitlements -
Period 1 July to 31 December 2014
"The information contained in the reports below is considered to be an accurate statement of payments made and receipts received by Finance, within the period 1 July to 31 December 2014. Expenditure against travel entitlements may not necessarily relate to travel actually undertaken during the period. This is due to the fact that travel accounts (payments and receipts) can be processed in a reporting period other than the one in which the travel takes place. The reasons may include advance bookings made and paid for in one period and used in a subsequent reporting period and re-crediting costs in a later period for a cancelled booking in an earlier period. Other entitlements may have similar accounting and processing procedures.
Goods and services purchased by Finance on behalf of Senators and Members are reported exclusive of recoverable Goods and Services Tax (GST). This is in accordance with the requirement that all agencies report all expenditure as exclusive of recoverable GST"
"Explanatory Notes for Summary Document
See = http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/parliamentarians-reporting/parliamentarians-expenditure-P35/#seven"Parliamentary remuneration and entitlements: 2016 update
9 June 2016
See = http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1516/ParlRem2016
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