The Determinant Equation

"OZ is Under ATTACK like NEVER Before"

"What is Your Lifestyle & Future Worth ??
To Australians - The Worth is Everything 
To REAL Australians - The Concept & Country are Worth Fighting For. 

The CONCEPT  -; Freedom from Tyranny; Liberty born of Self Responsibility:
                                Lifestyle of Unique Proportion based on Australian Capacity
                               Of Helping a Mate when times are tough, even if you don't know him,
The COUNTRY -; Wide Open Spaces, Droughts & Flooding Rains, from Desert to Jeweled sea.
                               Bush Legends from Dreamtime & Ancient Culture to Banjo & Beyond.
                              To Develop Prosperity based on Ingenuity in order to Build the Nation
The CALL          -: Cooee echo's across the vastness of this ancient & untamed land
                               The time has come to stand so that together we can -;
                                  Protect this Land, Our Home,
                                         this AUSTRALIA

"If You are going to effect Change & Protect Your Future = What do you need to do ??"

"Is there a Problem in the Political Arena ?? --- Why Should You Care ??"
In recent times, the Public has seen a lot of perceived turmoil among the Political Ranks in areas such as -; Electricity Prices, Water Issues, Foreign Buyouts, Politicians Dual Citizen Saga, Same Sex Marriage, Increased Immigration, Islam & Muslim Affairs, Rising Crime Rates from Migrant Youth Gangs, Climate Change, Fake News stories, Down Played Issues by Political & Media Entities, + Rise in "Controversial" Stories, the Green Invasion from Foreign Mandates, etc etc etc. 
Just seems like there is always problems on a Daily basis.

"What can be causing all this turmoil ??"
The saying of -; " Truth is Stranger than Fiction" -- is very Real.
What you are about to read will change YOUR perspective & Open your Eyes to WHAT is REALLY going on around you on a DAILY basis.

   ----- DOMESTIC ----- 
The First thing you must realize is -;
If a Position / Idea is put forward to those in Power OR those people of influence, -- that does NOT fit the Narrative --- then that idea OR position will encounter Four obstacles.
1 = It will be "Ignored",
2 = It will be Dismissed as "Irrelevant",
3 = Labelled as "Conspiracy Theory",
4 = Attacked for being -; Disruptive, Racist, Nazi Label, Not Inclusive, Detrimental to Safe Spaces,  OR aggressive to Minorities.
The AIM of these "Attacks" against the Narrative is to "Shut Down" any decent by making the Person involved feel embarrassed. -- If that does NOT work = then the Person's "Character" is attacked because they are spreading "Hate Speech". This is followed by vilification along the lines of -; Hatred, Ridicule, Distortion of Facts, Obtuse position, maligning perspectives, Oppression Dictates & of course the Supremacy Doctrine.

There is a term that describes this form of attack = it is called -; "Cultural Marxism"
If you notice carefully, These attacks are NOT debates about various ideas OR different Points of View. They are almost exclusively about either -;
"attacking the subject via the Person who delivers the message -- &/OR -;
"acting in support of a perceived minority"
Rarely -- if at all -- the content of the message / idea that is being put forward is NOT debated at all.
Infact -- it is being DELIBERATELY "Ignored" & FORCIBLY "Shut Down"

This type of response is not reserved for use by certain people OR groups.
Organizations, Media (MSM & Social) & the Political Arena also use this type of action.
Aided by the advance of technology, many areas in Social Media are embracing the same path to the point of Censorship if a particular idea OR position is considered "Counter Productive" OR "Outside the Rules". These aspects of use are a form of Reverse Psychology where those who feel "criticized" take on the role of "Victim & Poor Me", thus fighting back thru the actions of vilification under the guise of being -; "The Resistance".
NOTHING these People do could be further from Reality OR indeed the Real Truth.
So -- to be succinct -- YOU -- the Average Person -- are being DELIBERATELY "Fooled".

The AIM is to label you & put you in boxes so that you can be controlled under a "Carrot & Stick" regime for the benefit of those who complain.
Think about that for a Moment.
Have a good look around your world / environment & take note of all the anomaly's that previously you may have ignored. Look at what has changed Right in Front of You that you never noticed before
Based on a multi action Graph for example -- there is a Trend Line that emerges which depicts the emerging direction.
Consider that idea of a "Trend Line" & focus it upon the elements that can & do affect your everyday actions such as -;
"Political, Industry, Environmental, Cultural, Economic, Social, Future & Lifestyle" = "PIECESFL"
Up to 1969, Social Cohesion in Australia was reasonably sound. Society was based on "Respect" & stipulated "Values". Men & Women worked & had a variety of jobs to choose from. Lifestyle was engaging & egalitarian.
Australia was deemed the Lucky Country & for good reason.
Politics was reasonably stable, Industry from Micro to Big Business was booming, Australian Culture was unique in the World, Environmental aspects were purely Australian, Economically the country was in a Golden Age, Social Cohesion was good with most people knowing their neighbours & interacting with them on a regular basis. The Future was bright from Marine Biology to Space Development with a Public Lifestyle that was the envy of the World.
As stated -- That was in 1969.

"Then in 2018 -- those same aspects under the same headings are VASTLY different & NOT for the better at any scale of comparison.

Draw a quick Graph with those Headings
List Today's position based on "Current" observations of "PIECESFL" at 10 -- 1, where 1969 is (10) & the year of 2018 is at (1)
You will see that the trending Line is heading "DOWNWARD" towards number (1)
"Those descending lines represent the "Declining Direction" of Australia today.

You have now PROVED -- for Yourself -- without any -; Distortion, Conspiracy Theory, Hate Speech, Vilification, Racism, OR Safe Space, being put into the Equation that YOUR Future is being pushed into a specific direction to the detriment of Your NEEDS & Country's REQUIREMENTS.

Blind Freddy can see this direction & there is ample documentation to categorically PROVE that this destruction of Australia is Very REAL.
This is happening & being Deliberately HIDDEN right in front of you in specific steps & you have NOT seen it at all.

Fast Forward to 2022 and What do you see ??
Federal Govt has changed -- State Govt's have distorted Society -- National Economy is Fracturing -- 
and the message from Politicians is = The Last Govt did this -- We Have a Plan
In short -- More of the Same rhetoric and associated Blame Game 

NOW -- You are aware of this Destruction & Deception to -; YOU -- Your FAMILY -
You CANNOT -- You MUST NOT Ignore this Destruction.
This Procedure is being DELIBERATELY Orchestrated.
You have been shown -; WHAT & HOW  to PROVE this scenario for Yourself.
There is NO doubt about the Veracity OR Context.
The PIECESFL structure as stated is ALMOST Totally infected with this malaise.

   ----- FOREIGN ----- 
There is a Saying -; "Forewarned is Forearmed"
YOU have NOW been WARNED.
The Next obvious QUESTION is -; "How can you be Armed ??"
To understand the Ramifications of these Applications & Directions, one must first understand -; "WHAT" is REALLY Happening in these arenas, plus HOW these events, procedures & direction are being orchestrated & at What Level.

Read & Follow the coming installments about various Issues, including those from the much celebrated CLARIOSKIN Project that describes the "Global Governance Direction" of -; Changing Language & its Cultivation, Foreign Mandates, Structural Manipulation, Society Incursions, Deliberate Distortions, Trading in Influence & much much more.
This knowledge will give you "Power of Presence" BUT Power is only good if you wield it.
Therefore -; "POWER" Must be used for "REMEDY" against All the Negative applications.
The Power of YOUR Voice must NOT be Silenced OR forcibly Shut Down because it does not meet the narrative of those who seek to influence OR control you.
SPEAK UP -- Your Voice & Ideas Matter.
Every day you dally because of "Laziness" OR "Apathy" OR "Indecision" OR "Procrastination" -- 
is another day LOST  FOREVER in the fight against Tyranny & the Salvation of Your Future.

  ----- RESPONSE ----- 
And So it BEGINS


Engage with "Akarnious" -- Voice of the People.
Platform is Coming =

State Your Needs about What Impacts Your Future & Lifestyle.
See =

Suggest Your Solutions & Remedies to situations of Need.
See =

Support the Delivery Vehicle called "TSA" that stands as a Public Beacon of Light as it acts in the Public Interest for the Benefit of Australians.
See =

This is WHERE it All Begins
This is the Narrative of True FREEDOM
This is where the Reigns of Reform are being DEVELOPED

This is the -; "HOTTEST  STORY of CONCERN" 
                                in Australia Today 

Get Involved NOW --- For YOUR Benefit
               & the Country's Salvation
----- "You CANNOT Afford NOT to be ENGAGED".-----


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