Clarioskin Project (7) = IOCA FINALITY



"G'day Readers
In the words of an Australian -;

"Through conduct & consequence of action, the elements of Reform shall lay the foundations for the future, where Real Prosperity shall be the goal that casts aside the tumultuous excesses of distortion"

"A pretty succinct premise one would think --- BUT --- is it Really ??
"Fruit of ones decisions lays in knowledge & experience that emerges from personal action derived from education & history, but what if such dimensions were clouded & contrived from deliberate distortions based upon agendas that you are not aware of ??
#QUESTION = Does that make your decisions any less worthwhile ??
"To the average person, the resounding conclusion of determination is No.

"Let us look at that point from a different perspective.
"Consider this -;
"Tell a big enough Lie - Dramatically enough - Often Enough - It will become the accepted truth".
"That is a proven concept from the realms of historical evidence.
"BUT -- What has that got to do with the above heading ??

INTRICACIES = Details of a perplexing subject
By using distortion, one can prove that "Colour Differences" are only a figment of your imagination.
Look at a prism & what do you see ?? = Various Colours = Right
So is colour White -- OR is it browny grey ??
I contend that it is browny grey & I can prove it
Mix red + green + blue together & what do you get ?? = VOILA
Now -- if I said that Government's aim thru industry was to "Separate" the Real World from the Constructed world by use of Visual Illusion thru colour -- Could you categorically say that the offered premise was categorically wrong ?? --- No -- You could not
WHY ?? = Because you have proven the concept yourself thru the mix of colours

NOW -- Imagine teaching Children that point at a very young age
PLUS Supply graphics & books & web sites for them to research.
Play games of "mix" + inclusion + distorted variance + adaption + compliance + oneness.
"QUESTION = What would be the Result if the construct was to use -; Teaching WHAT to think. ??
Expand that very same concept across Every area of society & what do you have ??

Having Considered the above --- (Read it all again SLOWLY so it sinks in)
#QUESTION = What if you applied WHAT to think to -;
High School Children
Supportive Political allies
Grants to Academia
Potential Income streams to various Industries
Social Media outlets
Complying Celebrities
Media Personalities

#QUESTION = What would the Future Be ?? "


"OZ is being taken by Foreign Mandates
You are being SOLD - OUT by ALL sides of the Political Spectrum
You were Clearly Warned with Demonstrated Proof by Editions -; 1--6,  that Global Governance Incursions are indeed VERY Real.
Put succinctly -; Australia & thus YOUR Future WILL be Destroyed unless you make a stand for your Country NOW -- TODAY.

This Edition -- on a continually listed basis -- will highlight the emerging incursions that will / are impacting upon Australia both Now & into the Future.
Make NO Mistake -- This is Truly a WAR for Australia where YOUR Future is at Stake.
Either -;
1 = You are FOR Australia by standing Against this Tyranny
2 = You are AGAINST Australia by allowing this Incursion

Has the Destructive Future begun OR is there still Hope that everyday Australians will FINALLY -- actually WAKE-UP to the PROVEN "FACT" that they, their Families, their Future & that of the Country also is about to be changed "FOREVER".

Global Regular Migration PLUS Institutionalized SDG, inline with Economic Agenda's (including increased Free Trade Agreements) & Global Governance will soon IMPACT at Every Corner of Australian Culture.
FROM -; Federal Government to Outback Stations
FROM -; State Governments to Country Towns
FROM -; City Mayors & Councils to Public Parks & Gardens
FROM -; Employment to Food Prices
FROM -; Available Housing to Forced Change in Personal Transport
FROM -; "Demanded" Lifestyle Changes to NO Freedom of Choice
FROM -; Obliterate Australian Culture to Dimensions of Forced Tyranny.
And Much Much More.
This is the PROVEN Coming REALITY
This is where Your Future DIES.

To be Absolutely Clear
So even Blind Freddy with No Hipbones + Fifty Broken Transplants across All & Every sense & nerve ending can ABSOLUTELY understand the -; Connection - Position - Direction of both Current & Future Applications
"Australia as an Identity & Culture WILL be Terminated".
That is Pretty Succinct.

Make NO Mistake -; This is REAL -- This is happening NOW & for the foreseeable Future.

Australia was originally set up as a Dumping Ground with Australian Assets @ both Natural & Constructed were sent Over Seas for the benefit of Foreign Interests, Immigrants & Investors.
Ownership & Operations was based on Foreign Mandates.
TODAY -- 230 Years Later -; Absolutely NOTHING has Changed.
Australia is still a Dumping Ground -- National & Man-made Assets are still being sent Overseas for the benefit of Foreign Interests, Immigrants & Investors.
Ownership & Operation of Australia is transitioning from British to Multiple Global Entities under Foreign Mandates.
This Positioning is being facilitated by EVERY side of the Political Spectrum by both Politicians & Governments of ALL persuasions.
You have been & are CONTINUALLY "LIED" to on a Daily basis.
Soon -; there will be NO Australia left.
The sacrifices of blood sweat & tears & hard yakka by those generations who sacrificed, fought & died for this Country to be Australian -- will have been for NOTHING.
EVERYTHING will be GONE because of the Attitude, Greed, Foreign Mandates, Distortions, Corruption, Lies, Trading in Influence, Manipulation & Fraud & Yes -- "STUPIDITY" by those of vested interest in undoing Australia & those people of Apathy who did NOTHING to try & STOP these Incursions.

The WAR for Australia

FIRST -; These Incursions CAN be beaten
There is a lot of Foreign Platforms aligned AGAINST Australia & YOUR Future
To know them is to allow a Plan of Action to be Formulated.

The Main Six Entities

GLOBALISTS ------ UN ------ BANKS ------ ISLAM ------ CHINA ---------- GMP
Power                       HRC        Economy        Sharia             Industry               Cities
OWG                       Climate    Debt               Obedience       Infrastructure      Councils
Future                      SDG         Finance          Religion          Influence             Citizenry

AIM        = Fracture All of Australia across EVERY Structure & Cultural Arena.

RESULT = Destruction of Nation State
                   Replaced with -; Threaded Ties of Ownership
                   Structured as   -; UN Member state of Global Governance
                                               that is weakened by Foreign Incursions
                   Fractured by   -; Politicians, NGO's & Globalists.

#QUESTION = Just How important is HOW to Think instead of WHAT to think ??"

#QUESTION = Just How importantly does the following impact upon YOUR Future ??


#QUESTION = Will IOCA herald the destructive Future OR Will YOU Stand against the Tide ??"


  1. If anyone doubts this is happening, let me suggest that you have a look at the UN's Agenda 21 and, UN Agenda 2030 and then say its not happening. On almost every UN goal under these agendas are incrementally being implemented at every level of government, I see a week ago a USA senator is now pushing debate on confiscation of privately owned land and assets, that's right you wont be able to own a house or private lands.

    Appendix 22: “the plan” is agenda 21 (aka agenda 2030), confiscation of private property, sustainable development, and re-wilding (by day, m.d.)

    I would also suggest you read some of the articles referenced on the L/H/S of this article.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Warren Pushing Hard For Largest Seizure of Private Property In Human History – Dangerous!


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