The Clarioskin Project = (6) MIGRATION = A

"COMPONENTS  of  Determined  FUTURE"

#QUESTION = What should really be the Face of Australia ??
Is Australia being changed to suit Foreign Mandates based on a conceptual ideal ??
Who should demonstrate the Needs of Society among a plethora of cultural dimensions ??
Are Immigrants really only Country Shopping based on Greed ??

Such heavy QUESTIONS but the Answers are far more complicated than the average person actually realizes in today's modern environment.
Commencing FROM -- Penal Colony -- TO -- displaced Aboriginals -- to Free Settlers & Immigrants of fortune that were all ruled by a Foreign Power from 1770,
Today in 2018 = Nothing has Changed.
We as a Country have NOT evolved one step forward.
Infact, many would state that as a Country, we have actually gone backwards & continue to do so.

From the early days of the 19th Century, Australia's potential to be a Great Nation was unlimited.
Today in the 21st Century, people struggle to survive on a daily basis.
WHY ??
Power & Greed based on Distortion, Collusion, Corruption, Lies, Trading in Influence, Manipulation.
that is orchestrated by the Political class, Globalists & NGO's.
Added to this are so called Immigrants, Asylum seekers & Refugees who take advantage of the prescribed allowances for their own benefit.
To be clear, there are those who come to Australia to be part of something potentially great BUT they are the extreme minority within a world of deliberate distortions.

This is all well & good to state such a position BUT -- What PROOF is there that Politicians & Governments are DELIBERATELY fostering the demise of Australia via IMMIGRATION ??
Please NOTE
"Quotes & Italics are "Copy / Paste" direct from documents OR online links
WHY ?? = Because several times they Hide OR Eliminate certain parts OR whole Pages

Lets start here -;
What is the Major force behind the arena of Immigration / Refugees / Asylum Seekers / Migration
The Answer is -; UNHRC.
And in Australia = Where is that Now centered ??
Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon Julie Bishop MP launched Australia’s UN Human Rights Council membership at a reception at Parliament House on Wednesday 7 February 2018"

BUT -- What else is there involved ion this structure ??

As quoted from the UN Site -;
1 = Replacement Migration: 
"The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration" --- Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries and two regions. 
Replacement migration refers to international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates"
Through the technique of population projection, calculations are made of the amount of replacement migration that would be necessary"
In most cases, populations that are simultaneously ageing and declining will experience severe reductions in the ratio of persons of working age (15 to 64 years) to older persons (65 years or older)"
See =

#QUESTION = Does that position actually include Australia ?? = Consider this from the ABS
"In 2014, Australia's total fertility rate (TFR) was 1.8 babies per woman, a decrease from the 2013 TFR of 1.88 babies per woman, continuing the declining trend of the past five years"
See =

"Then we have this -;
"Budget 2018: = How the Government's surplus plan  LOCKS  in High Immigration
"Australia has been relying on one of the highest population growth rates in the developed world to maintain economic growth, and the Government's latest budget is no exception"
While the budget forecasts of 3 per cent economic growth over the next four years look plausible, they rely on the population continuing to increase almost 1.5 per cent per year

"That is a figure of 360,000 Immigrants Per YEAR"

As noted in this article -;
"GDP and revenue growth the Government is counting on also assumes that almost ALL of those new MIGRANTS get a job quickly, something reflected in the budget's forecasts of a gradually declining unemployment rate"
History has proven = That Immigration position is NOT likely to happen in the foreseeable Future.

The THIRD Position to Drive the IMMIGRATION Numbers is this -;
"UN discussions on the global compact for migration in New York, said cities as well as national governments needed to be involved in the attempt to create a worldwide framework for the management of migration
"We need not just city leaders but international networks of cities as equal partners in shaping national and international policy" 
"If cities have a place at the table when discussing things like migration, you’ll get a different kind of discussion. The nature of citizenship and belonging in a city is subtly but importantly different to the nature of citizenship and belonging in a country
See =

That was reported in the media as well -;
"UK Mayor Rees argued that national governments alone did not have the “tools” needed to make effective change. “We need not just city leaders but international networks of cities as equal partners in shaping national and international policy,” he said" 
"At the city level, our conversation about Bristol’s identity, for example, constantly boasts we’re a city of 91 languages. We celebrate that. We use it as a positive asset for attracting inward investment that we’re a city of 187 countries of origin" 
See =

"However, the UN site for Refugee & Migration is more direct -;
"The global compact for migration will be the first, intergovernmentally negotiated agreement, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, to cover all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner" 
"The General Assembly decided to develop a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration" -- "The process to develop this global compact for migration started in April 2017. The General Assembly will then hold an intergovernmental conference on international migration in 2018 with a view to adopting the global compact

Here is the Highlight of What the REAL Direction is -;
"The global compact is a significant opportunity to 
1 = improve the governance on migration, 
2 = to address the challenges associated with today’s migration, and 
3 = to strengthen the contribution of migrants and migration to sustainable development
See =

As you can clearly see = The objective of Migration is to entrench the UN & Globalists Agendas by -; fracturing Nation States so they adopt Foreign Mandates for -;
Climate - Energy - Finance - Sustainable Development Goals - Political Power & Ownership.

This position is clearly demonstrated in the following

Eventually, the UN Plan was found & it states -;
"Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration (A/71/280), per OP 22
"Phase I of the process covers the period from April 2017 – November 2017 and will focus on consultations through the six informal thematic meetings on facilitating safe, orderly and regular migration to be held in New York, Geneva and Vienna (OP15A, B and C) and the meetings of the UN Regional Economic Commissions (OP22a).
"Other fora for inputs and sharing of views will include other relevant processes, mechanisms and initiatives in the field of migration, such as the regional consultative processes (OP22b), the Global Forum on Migration and Development (OP22b) and the IOM International Dialogue on Migration (OP22b). In addition, the first two of four multi-stakeholder hearings (OP30) will be held during Phase I."

"Phase II of the process covers the period from November 2017 to January 2018"
 Consideration under Phase II, as they participate in the preparatory stocktaking meeting to be hosted by and held in Mexico in early December (OP23). - The Secretary-General’s report as input to the zero draft of the global compact and the intergovernmental negotiations will also be released (OP26)"

"Phase III of the process covers the period from February to July 2018
 = final phase leading to the adoption of the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration. Phase III will include the release of the zero draft of the global compact (OP27) ahead of the intergovernmental negotiations which will take place several days each month from February through July 2018 (OP28). This Phase will also include the last two multistakeholder consultations (OP30)"

DATES for 2018 -; 
JUNE = Intergovernmental negotiations on the global compact
-------- = Multi-stakeholder hearing (half day)
-------- = Regional Consultative Process
 ------- = Third preparatory meeting on Senior Officials level
JULY = Intergovernmental negotiations on the global compact
SEPTEMBER = Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the global compact
--------- = Regional Consultative Process Expert level meeting on developing a Call for Action
--------  = including flagship actions (smaller drafting group on expert level)
OCTOBER = Regional Consultative Process Fourth preparatory meeting on Senior Officials level Ministerial Conference under the Silk Routes Partnership for Migration"
See =
NOTE = REMEMBER = The "Global  Mayors  Parliament" is to start in -; OCTOBER 2018.

Then there is this -;
"High Commissioner for Refugees will propose a Global Compact on Refugees in his annual report to the General Assembly in 2018. 
"United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, a landmark political declaration that is directed at improving the way in which the international community responds to large movements of refugees and migrants, as well as to protracted refugee situations
Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), with specific actions needed to ease pressure on host countries, enhance refugee self-reliance, expand access to third-country solutions,
whole-of-society’ approach endorsed by the General Assembly in the New York Declaration that involves ‘national and local authorities, international organizations, international financial institutions, regional organizations, regional coordination and partnership mechanisms, civil society partners, including faith-based organizations and academia, the private sector, media and the refugees themselves
By February 2018 UNHCR will prepare a draft of the Global Compact on Refugees and formal consultation with Member States and other relevant stakeholders will commence" 

"In Addition TO THE ABOVE -;
"The Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, will be held in Morocco on 10 and 11 December 2018" 
"The modalities for the Conference were further elaborated in resolutions 71/280 of 6 April 2017 and 72/244 of 24 December 2017.
"LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION: The Intergovernmental Conference will be held at the highest political level, including Heads of State or Government" 
OUTCOME: The adoption of an intergovernmentally negotiated and agreed outcome, entitled “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”, for which the negotiations shall be concluded by July 2018, in accordance with its resolution 71/280 
See =

The Next Level comes from the South Australian Government
"I am delighted to see that my recent policy announcements on boosting our population and growing international student numbers attract so much interest and debate" 
 I will set a goal to lift international student numbers from 28,000 to 40,000. 
In 2013, population growth stagnated, recording just 0.9%. This is half the national average, making our growth rate the lowest on mainland Australia.
Liberal government will slash the red tape and reduce waiting times for people wishing to settle in our State.  Currently, visa processing times for businesses wishing to bring in skilled worker are unacceptably longer when compared to other states. We need to make it easier and quicker for business owners to get the workers they need, which is why we will pursue appropriate business associations to act as Regional Certification Bodies to expedite migration approvals" 
"We will hold a Population Growth Summit in the first one hundred days of a Liberal Government to explore all the ways we can stimulate growth
"SA Liberal Leader Steven Marshall

The Visas that will be targeted by the SA Government are -;
"Partner - Parent - General Skills - Student - Employer Sponsored - Corporate Services - Sports - Temporary Work - Visitor - Investor Retirement - Labour Agreements - Employer Nominated.
The Reasons for doing this is -;
"The current 190,000 annual intake does not need to be cut, rather the migration programme needs to be recalibrated to facilitate economic growth and development in our regions and smaller capital cities. This will create employment and training opportunities for local residents and stimulate economic growth and development through increased consumption expenditure and demand for goods and services, whilst also easing the burden on over-populated areas"

"BUT -- There are other arenas -; 
Consider The City of Greater Dandenong population of over 170,000 people from 157 nations. Of these, nearly two-thirds were born overseas, with 61 per cent from non-English speaking countries.  Many of those who have migrated to the area have origins in parts of the world with recent histories of conflict, violence and displacement
"Council, as well as community organisations and local business, supports refugees and asylum seekers
"Council’s approach to supporting the refugee and asylum seeker community involves work in three key areas -; 
People  we actively promote welcoming and inclusive communities
Place we advocate for increased housing accessibility and greater access to council and community facilities 
Opportunity we work to provide opportunities to participate in community life through volunteering; education and employment
The Refugee Welcome Zone is a local government area that has made a commitment to welcome refugees into the community, uphold the human rights of refugees, demonstrate compassion and enhance cultural and religions diversity in the community. This initiative is being promoted by the Refugee Council of Australia."
The Greater Dandenong People Seeking Asylum and Refugees Action Plan 2018-2021 outlines Council’s key actions and initiatives to support people seeking asylum and refugees, within Greater Dandenong. The actions contained in the Action Plan complement those enclosed in the Council Plan and are an extension of the 2014-17 Asylum Seeker and Refugee Communities Action Plan"
See =

"The Australian Government requested that the Productivity Commission undertake an inquiry into the impacts of immigration on Australia and the way immigrants are selected. This report presents the Commission’s assessment of the benefits and costs of temporary and permanent immigration, with regard to the budgets and balance sheets of Australian governments, and the income, wealth and living standards of Australian citizens"
"The Commission was asked to examine at least one specific proposal in which PRICE would be the primary basis for selecting migrants,
= there would be no requirements relating to skills and family connections
= qualitative requirements relating to health, character and security would remain
= all entrants would have the right to work
= the charge could be waived for genuine confirmed refugees, whose entry would remain subject to current constraints"
"Commission considered a wide spectrum of policies and issues. Some of these are directly related to managing the migration intake. Others, such as environmental management and access to government services, have broader objectives, but also influence the outcomes of immigration"
"Australia’s immigration policy is inextricably linked to population policy — any decision about the level of immigration is implicitly a decision about the rate of population growth
"Net overseas migration (NOM)
"As Australia’s population progressively ages and its natural rate of increase eventually declines, NOM is expected to continue to play an important role in the size and growth of Australia’s population. Immigration is also the primary policy lever government has to influence population size and growth.
Economic growth is commonly measured as the growth in real gross domestic product (GDP), where GDP is the money value of goods and services produced in the economy"  " projections of real economic growth can be constructed from trends in population, labour force participation and labour productivity (the so-called 3Ps). -- And just as economic growth projections can be constructed from such trends, immigration numbers can be ‘reverse engineered’ from a desired rate of economic growth when combined with assumptions about the expected movements in various components (labour productivity growth, unemployment, fertility, mortality, participation and hours worked). The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC 2011b) recently undertook such an exercise based on information from the 2010 IGR together with the Australian Government’s Treasury outlook for GDP growth and unemployment rates".
'‘This endogenous’ (or residual) demand is the rate of population growth (or more specifically NOM), that was consistent with the official GDP growth outlook at that time"
"In other words, if we expect over the next 10 years to 2020:
= productivity growth of 1.6 per cent and the participation rate slightly rising (consistent with the 2010 IGR);  --- unemployment rate of around 5 per cent (broadly consistent with the latest forecasts and data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)); and --- if we want to have an [real aggregate] economic growth of 3.25 per cent (broadly in line with official forecasts and trend economic growth); then --- NOM could be 180 000 to 190 000 persons on average over the next 10 years"
"Is there an optimal immigration and population growth rate ??
According to the Productivity Commission -;
"In theory, optimal immigration and population growth (and associated levels) may be conceptualised, but in practice calculating them is complex and subjective"
The Commission (PC 2011g) previously concluded that there was no single optima for the level of immigration, population growth or population"
See =

"BUT -- Wait a Minute -- This is NOT making sense

1 = The Governments Budget is based on Bigger Immigration
2 = The Product Commission says any measurement is subjective
3 = "Turnbull admits a ‘Big Australia’ will erode living standards 
See =

That being the case = One must ask -;
"WHY have an idea that is "subjective" at best & "WILL erode Living Standards" for Australians ??
The Next QUESTION is -; "Where will these EXTRA "Immigrants" go ??
QUESTION = Is that the reason for the PM 's idea of -; "SmartCities" ?? 
Bob Carr said in 2000 that Sydney was Full -- yet the population keeps growing.
The Treasurer says recently that Sydney is NOT Full. -- 17 Years LATER.
So = WHO is telling the Truth ?? 

Lets assume for a moment that Sydney is Not Full
QUESTION = So What Drives Smart Cities ??
which by the way is NOT the idea of the PM but a mandate of the UN.
According to the PM document on Smart Cities -;
"Job clusters will form in the heart of capital cities, regional cities & suburban employment zones"
"Concentration of a few specialised industries
"Effective networks of people and organisations—where well established relationships can support collaboration, development and innovation. 
For example logistics, packaging, distribution and software businesses often develop around airports or other transport nodes,
"Active participation of research institutions—through business partnerships with leading research institutions, including universities, health facilities and government bodies such as the CSIRO
"Access to a skilled workforce—where clusters can draw on a deep pool of skilled labour
Under the National Innovation and Science Agenda we are improving our visa system to attract and retain the best and brightest entrepreneurial and innovative talent. But we must also attract great organisations, and support their growth and success"
"Importantly, to do this our cities must offer lifestyle, culture and amenity. 
For an increasingly mobile labour force, the liveability of a city can be the determining factor between choosing to live in one city over another"

"The Infrastructure Australia paper, Future Cities: Planning for our growing population, is timely in that it argues for a policy-driven approach to population
The agency is in favour of a Big Australia: “A growing population is an exciting opportunity to increase our national economic prosperity and liveability. 
The potential benefits are immense
It beggars belief that Australia does not have a formal population policy. The only reason we do not is that timid governments – especially the Turnbull government
See =

The Treasurer -; Scott Morrison says -; "the Government is addressing the infrastructure needs of our cities in a way that NO other Government has done before"
This is a True Statement -- HOWEVER -- What he did NOT say was -;
"The Government is using a FOREIGN Mandate & passing it off as their Own Idea"
That position in ANY language is nothing but FRAUD & DECEPTION on a Grand Scale

At the end of the Day = WHAT is the REAL Position ?? 

"The Government has NO Real Immigration Policy as such
Politicians have stated one thing -- then contradicted it
They have deliberately claimed a procedure as their own when in fact it is a FOREIGN Mandate
They spruke the concept as their reason for actions to determine a position that is DELIBERATELY Distorted by omitting the REAL Facts
This "Foreign Mandate" position is the cornerstone of the National Budget determination yet one must ask -; Is it Built on a Platform of LIES ??
In addition -; Government Documents clearly state "specific" points of establishment that are echoing the protocols of these Foreign Mandates.
At least ONE State Government is following the same path with their Capital City structure that has started to instigate the platforms of a Foreign "Power" WITHOUT telling their citizenry.
This is proven by their "Agreement" to Sign with that same Foreign "Power" to implement these Foreign Mandates. ----------- (See CLARIOSKIN  PROJECT (4) plus (*4--A) plus (5)
In addition -; there are at least 25 other Cities / Councils who are following suit.
The very clear & documented AIM is -;
1 = Increase the Level of Migration
2 = Increase the level of Refugees & Asylum Seekers
3 = Change cities to reflect the Foreign Mandate of "SmartCities" PLUS their associated titles.
4 = Re-Classify some Cities as "REGIONAL" so a FORCED "Immigration" intake is Mandatory.
      (eg -; Adelaide)
5 = Allow FOREIGN Entity Protocols to take charge of these cities that are based on FOREIGN                Documentation of THEIR Objectives & Goals -- NOT Australia's
6 = FORCE the implementation & Collection of INCREASED Financial Costs onto EVERY                    Household & Business.
7 = INCREASE the Tax burden in order to "DONATE" nearly a BILLION $$$ Per YEAR to Foreign        Funding bases.

"The RESULT -; 
DECREASE the Australian Culture base by INCREASING the Migration Rate
INCREASE The Financial Burden of Tax Payers to Fund Foreign Entities PLUS added Welfare
LOWER the Living Standards & Lifestyle of Australians by FORCING people to live in "SmartCity" precincts so a Globalized uniform city structure can be maintained.
Restructure the Health & Education protocols to align with up to 200 different Cultures
Force Health Costs & Services to RISE PLUS Health Claims to diminish
Create a THIRD Tier Health position that forces people to NOT access the Health system by staying at home & relying on transient Health Professionals.
Diminish the available LOCAL Workforce in favour of Global Transitory Work force.
--- (This alone will DAMAGE the working class families across the Country) ---
Tighten the Local Food source availability that forces local suppliers OUT of the industry due to increased IMPORTING of diversity of supply to meet demand of a culturally fractured society. This in turn will force Australian Produce OUT of the Local market space & condense the number of participants across the Country.
WATER will become a High Premium at -; Household plus Industrial & Agriculture
"WASTE will become an integrated Component of lifestyles
TRANSPORT Legislation will FORCE the REDUCTION of Private Vehicles
FOREIGN Doctrines of -; CLIMATE - ENERGY - REGULAR  MIGRATION - SDG - FINANCE - & Much Much More will be PRIVATISED by Governments & put into FOREIGN  OWNERSHIP.
Justification by Politicians will be under -; "Increased Investment"
If Government is Challenged on this point -- their Answer will be -;
"Australia has always been a Net IMPORTER of Finance"

--- In Short = the FUTURE of Australians will be GONE ---

WHY ??? = Because YOU did NOTHING to STOP this INCURSION 

READ the "CLARIOSKIN  PROJECT"  from One to Six to see the Emerging DIRECTION




QUESTION = How many Other MOVES are being HIDDEN in Other ISSUES ?? 
Participate in the UN's Preparatory Process for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration =

"Historic moment’ for people on the move, as UN agrees first-ever Global Compact on Migration
See =
= States agreed to work over two years towards the adoption of ‘Global Compacts’: one on migration, the other on refugees.
"In planning the Programme, the Government also considers Australia’s capacity to facilitate the entry and settlement of humanitarian entrants to ensure they are successfully integrated into our society
" UNHCR promotes three durable solutions for refugees: = local integration in the countries of first asylum resettlement, where local integration or voluntary return are not viable options.
" Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) – since the establishment of this forum in 1995,
Australia has been part of key decisions around policy and procedural matters to enhance resettlement as a durable solution for refugee situations" In adopting the NY Declaration, Member States, including Australia have agreed to work towards adopting a Global Compact on Refugees, and a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration by 2018
" At the Leaders’ Summit, the underscored Australia’s role in global efforts to assist refugees and announced the following commitments in relation to the Humanitarian Programme
"1 = maintenance of the Programme at 18,750 places from 2018–19 and thereafter, in addition to the 12,000 places committed for Syria and Iraq
2 = • dedication of a minimum number of places over the next three years to displaced people from specific protracted situations"3 = creation of pathways for refugees to in Australia through the establishment of 1000 places under a Community Support Programme by which and will be able to applications and support new arrivals
"4 = the Government’s agreement to participate in a United States-led programme to resettle small numbers of refugees from Central America
"5 = a multi-year partnership with UNHCR, support for refugees and displaced populations in and and a to the UN Peacebuilding
" Australia is an participant in the international protection system and efforts to work collaboratively with countries in the Asia-Pacific region on refugee and asylum issues.
"referred by UNHCR. Australia consistently ranks among the top permanent resettlement countries, along with Canada and the United States, which offer around -- 80 per cent -- of the ’s resettlement places each
"In 2017–18, there will be a minimum of 16,250 places, and the Programme will increase to 18,750 places in 2018–19.
• The 2018–19 offshore component of the Programme is expected to Australia’s intake in 30 ."Applications for visas must be accompanied by a proposal from an eligible Australian citizen= proposers help applicant pay for their travel to Australia and assist with accommodation & initial orientation in Australia.
"The Australian Government delivers support to humanitarian entrants including refugees & other migrants through settlement services
Aim of settlement services is to enable the participation of new arrivals as quickly & as fully as possible in Australian society & "Global on and refugees
Australia UN Member States in adopting the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (NY Declaration) in 2016 & Committed to -; 1 = responsibility sharing for refugees, & 2 = safe, orderly and regular migration"QUESTION What should Australia’s priorities be for accepting refugees and
humanitarian entrants, including those in protracted situations ??"QUESTION Should Australian Government encourage involvement from the private, educational and community sectors to assist humanitarian entrants to secure stable employment and achieve self-sufficiency ??
"1981 = The Special Humanitarian Programme (SHP) was introduced for people who, while not identified as refugees, were living outside their home country and were subject to substantial discrimination amounting to a gross violation of human rights
"Mid 1980's = The Programme also included up to 40 nationalities, including people from Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East and Asia.
Late 1980s The Woman at Risk and Emergency Rescue visa provisions were introduced"The Middle East and South West Asia have been focus regions of the Programme recently. Significant numbers of people from these regions continue to be in need of resettlement due to ongoing conflicts, primarily in Afghanistan and Iraq, and more recently in Syria
"You have seen EXTRACTS from -;
"Australia’s Humanitarian Programme 2017–18See =





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