The Clarioskin Project = (2) AGENDA


In the previous chapter, we saw that PC under specific Foreign Entity mandates was set to both restrict & diametrically oppose Sovereign & Cultural aspects of Australia as a formatted Country under a Nation State Premise.
The Reality is -; that Foreign structure is far more insidious than most people thought.
Estimates have put the figure at MORE than 99% of people do NOT know of the encroaching dimensions & are NOT aware of what NEGATIVE aspects will be FORCED upon society in ALL it's forms, from babies to Youth, Families, Education, Businesses, Governments & even unto Death.
To dismiss such a claim is to invite calamity where Self Responsibility becomes Mandated Tyranny.

What are these Platforms that are emerging ??
You may OR may not have heard of -; Agenda 21 that is now superseded by Agenda 2030.
So what is it ??
A Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on Sept 25, 2015.
"Transforming our World -- The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".
This document states in part -; Word for Word
"The eradication of Poverty is the Greatest Global Challenge & an Indispensable requirement for Sustainable Development".
"ALL Countries & ALL Stakeholders WILL implement this Plan"
"The 17 Sustainable Development Goals plus the 169 Targets which we are announcing today, demonstrate the scale & ambition of this new Universal Agenda".
"They seek to realize the Human Rights of All & achieve Gender Equality & the empowerment of all women & girls. They are integrated & indivisible & balance the Three Dimensions of Sustainable Dimensions = Economic, Social, Environmental".
"The Goals & actions will stimulate actions over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance for Humanity & the Planet".

That clearly states a GLOBAL Agenda
There is NO different interpretation that can be made.
This is a Global Format based on 17 Platforms with 169 Principals that are totally integrated with each other that when combined will instigate many many Hundreds of Protocols.
In other words, = A Totalitarian structure for Global control on every element of Humanity.
All of which is based upon the 1945 UN Charter that the Australian Public has NEVER Voted for.
See = UN Resolution 70/1

As defined by one UN document, the EU compliance shall be subject to UN Resolutions
History has shown that a FORCED Unification of Europe will not succeed as evidenced by Ancient Rome, the 30 years War & the Hundred Years War that lead to the Westphalian Treaty that lasted over 340 years based on Sovereign States. The French Revolution ultimately failed as did Hiltler's view of a German Europe. Today the EU is fragmenting from a single entity back to Sovereign states.
In 1943, at Hitler's command, Joseph Goebbels stated -; "Whoever dominates Europe will thereby assume the leadership of the entire World".
Today, as stated on the United Nations site -;
See =
"The main centres of United Nations activity is Europe & Central Asia are Geneva = (UNOG) & the (ECE = Economic Commission for Europe),  Switzerland, Vienna = (UNOV), Austria, the Hague in the Netherlands = (International Court of Justice). There are also many Regional & Country Offices of UN system entities & UN "Political" Offices across Europe & Central Asia.
So what are these "POLITICAL" Offices ??
As stated on their site -; "The List is not necessarily exhaustive"
The Geneva Office services more than 8,000 meetings every year with more than 1600 staff.

"So what does all this mean ??
On February 1, 1999, the then Secretary General of the United Nations made a startling Statement at the World Economic Forum in Davos where the meeting was about -;
The Creative Partnership between the United Nations & the Private Sector.
In his Press Release = SG/SM/6881, he stated -;
"Globalization is a Fact of Life".
"Our challenge today is to devise a compact on the Global Scale to underpin the New Global Economy. Specifically -- I call on you - individually through your firms & collectively through your business associations -- to embrace, support & enact a set of core values in the areas of Human Rights, Labour Standards & Environmental Practices".
I urge you all to read the Press Release -- VERY Carefully -- & take note of what is stated by both the words & the intent used. There is NO mistake in stating -;
"The UN wants Money & Power from Businesses to implement Global Control of the Economic fortunes of Countries & Forced Globalization under the guise of Humanity & Planetary concerns".
Do you remember the History Points as written above. ??
This structure -- by ANY Definition -- is the foundations used for the directional aspects of Countries based on the WIFM (Whats In It For Me) Business benefit -- in order to implement a position of Global Control where Governments CANNOT dictate the Rules of acquiescence.
In effect, this move has ELIMINATED Government direction & Control.

So when next you go to the Voting Polls to seek some kind of Justice -- ask yourself this -;
"Who am I voting for & What is my Vote REALLY Worth" ??
The Answer is -;



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