
Showing posts from June, 2017


Politicians -- What do they really Mean when they tell the Public about THEIR Policy ?? " Malcolm Turnbull Admits That Politicians Lie At Election Time "Fairfax Media Malcolm Turnbull may live to regret his remarks. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has come out and said what most Australians only joke about -- that politicians lie . " What political parties say they will support and oppose at one time is not necessarily ultimately what they will do ," Turnbull said at a press conference in Banyo, Queensland on Tuesday. Bold and brave words from a man seeking re-election with a message that his team is more stable, trustworthy and responsible than the opposition" "The Labor Party is saying that they will run higher debt and higher deficits over each of the four years than us and then in the fifth year, miraculously, like Houdini, they will spring out of that hole they have dug for themselves, that budget black hole, they'll spring back...


Politicians are meant to be the Peoples Representative in Parliament. Part of that application is based on "TRUST" to look after the interests of Australians & be prudent with Tax Payers funds that are entrusted to Politicians in good faith. However, one must ask if that Trust has been misplaced, especially given the following examples & relative information from various sources. Further, the expanded FACT that Politicians continually deny the need for a Federal ICAC or some type of Oversight, actually speaks volumes. One could argue that the Finance Department would hold sway on checks & balances but that is not the case. Similarly, the "Independent Parliamentary Entitlements System Review" See = should have formed some type of captive program for transgressions BUT that has all but been ignored by all sides of the Political Spectrum. Y...