YOU are being FOOLED
" WAKEUP = YOUR FUTURE IS BEING TAKEN FROM YOU. This is one phrase from the acclaimed post = "The AUSTRALIA Fight" See = There have been many impending cataclysms since 1914 & The Great War -- YET -- as an egalitarian Australian Society -- we have NOT faced ANYTHING as dire as the current situation. NEVER Before has our way of life & Future been in such PERIL as it is today. This is NO Joke -- This is REAL -- YOUR Future is being Taken FROM You to the extent that YOUR wishes & Actions ARE Subject to the whims of a group of People on the other side of the Planet. The truly astonishing point is -; "You do NOT realize it is happening" Unless YOU WAKEUP "NOW" & ACT to STOP this INVASION = Your FUTURE will be GONE. HOW can this be happening & we do not know about it ?? You do know about it What you do NOT realize is thi...